
9/11 Never Forget.

Started by September 11, 2012 06:39 AM
49 comments, last by Washu 12 years, 5 months ago

[quote name='timothyjlaird' timestamp='1347503450' post='4979548']
Meh. Most people seem to use religion to give them something bigger than themselves to latch onto in order to maintain sanity in the midst of an insane world

It always surprises me just how much of that insanity seems to flow from a human need to apply blindly ideologies (I'm not just picking on religion here - blind adherence to the tenets of Capitalism makes just as little sense).
[/quote]Agreed. It's like driving into a lake because the GPS in your car told you to turn left. It's exactly that simple, compounded only by layers and layers of confusion, dogma, and hearsay.

It has been generally proven that if a perceived authority tells a person to do something, and also that the listener won't be liable, then he'll do it. Maybe that listener is thoroughly deceived/convinced by this perceived authority, maybe not. Either way, you need to use your brain, and "check yourself before you wreck yourself". Because who else is responsible for what you do? The GPS?
Never forget the reason you handed over many of your freedoms in exchange for faux security. Once people stop treating 9/11 like a public holiday, they'll start questioning the existance of the TSA.
I look at the picture in the original post, and I cannot help but look back to World War II.

Hitler wanted to create the "perfect" race. He was Hell bent on doing everything in his power to accomplish this task. He killed 6 million Jews, not because of Judaism, but because he believed them to be an inferior race of human. His atrocities were based on his twisted social, political and racial views and had nothing to do with religion.

Point being, take away religion and we'll still find plenty of reasons to kill each other. You cannot demonize the whole due to the incredibly stupid acts of the few. No matter the group, there will always be fanatical factions and within those factions will be those willing to do anything for their group. Those are the people to demonize.

It has been generally proven that if a perceived authority tells a person to do something, and also that the listener won't be liable, then he'll do it. Maybe that listener is thoroughly deceived/convinced by this perceived authority, maybe not. Either way, you need to use your brain, and "check yourself before you wreck yourself". Because who else is responsible for what you do? The GPS?

Funny this is brought up. I am a commercial bus driver. I have come across this GPS issue myself. I was on a charter once where the lead driver was using a GPS to find the destination. Problem was the GPS wouldn't accept the address of the destination. He got lost and stopped to find out where he was, directly across the street from the destination! It was a hotel with a very large and distinctive sign, but since the GPS did not flag that he was at the destination, he couldn't see it! Then there is the case of the Japanese tourists in Australia last year that drove their rental car into the ocean because the GPS told them to do so.

It is troubling that people can so easily shut off the cognitive part of their brain when under stress and someone says "Follow me, I know the way."

And you wonder if Americans deserve what they get.

Please explain to me how Chris Stevens deserved what he got. Explain to me what any of these people did to deserve anything that happened to them? What about these people?

I'm aware that you are a troll, and breaking my own advice earlier I have replied to this, but, to be quite honest, you are the lowest echelon of, and use this word only as a means of scientific classification of your species not as a means of you being capable of any futher representation, human.
<br />Funny this is brought up. I am a commercial bus driver. I have come across this GPS issue myself. I was on a charter once where the lead driver was using a GPS to find the destination. Problem was the GPS wouldn't accept the address of the destination. He got lost and stopped to find out where he was, directly across the street from the destination! It was a hotel with a very large and distinctive sign, but since the GPS did not flag that he was at the destination, he couldn't see it! Then there is the case of the Japanese tourists in Australia last year that drove their rental car into the ocean because the GPS told them to do so.<br />
It was on the Office, also. :P yeah I'm a courier, and we had a guy with the same problem. His GPS says the drop is on the other side of town? Well go to the other side of town, then, and go slowly too!

On the other hand, I hear Snoop Dogg is telling people to make u-turns now...

Please explain to me how Chris Stevens deserved what he got. Explain to me what any of these people did to deserve anything that happened to them? What about these people?


Even in the unlikely event that a few individuals had committed crimes worthy of a death sentence there was no court that convicted them and sentenced them; it was nothing less than a mass murder.

The thread ostensibly is about a memorial to those who died on that day. Some people are still in mourning for those who were killed.

Add the attack by murderers in the embassy to the list of people who have needlessly died.

Please keep this topic back on mourning and remembering those who were murdered.

While the talk about morality is interesting, and the discussion on GPS navigation may have a place, they don't belong in this thread.

I look at the picture in the original post, and I cannot help but look back to World War II.

Hitler wanted to create the "perfect" race. He was Hell bent on doing everything in his power to accomplish this task. He killed 6 million Jews, not because of Judaism, but because he believed them to be an inferior race of human. His atrocities were based on his twisted social, political and racial views and had nothing to do with religion.

Your understanding of history is a bit flawed ( no offence meant, most people get this wrong ), and I only chose to point this out because
a) the irony of it being in a thread titled "Never forget"
b) the chilling parallels to modern day Europe

First off, the architect of the holocaust was Heinrich Himmler not Adolph Hitler. That said, Hitler gave his tacit approval, so this doesn't in any way lesson his culpability or evil rating. It's still well over 9000.

Have you ever heard of the holocaust being called the Final Solution? Well this expression is rooted in history in the form of the Jewish Question, which originated in the 18th century. Basically it was believed the the Jewish people would never be an integrated part of a nation. Anti-semites essentially viewed the Jewish people as invaders at worst, foreigners at best, with a cultural belief that is completely incompatible with their own.

Sound chillingly familiar? It should. Basically this is the *exact* view of Islam that is rising in both the US and Europe. If you know nothing of European politics... look in to some of the ultra-nationalist parties and their view towards Islam. If you think this reality is far removed from today, take a look into Anders Breivik's stated motives for the Norway Massacres.

Jews were not the only persecuted faction either, Gypsies were also targeted and executed on mass, for pretty much the same reason. This behavior is by no means confined to the pages of history, to this day their is a prominant anti-Gypsy/Roma bias in France, where tens of thousands were expelled. Granted, the severity ( explusion vs execution... big difference ) is lower, but then, so is the ultimate motivation.

Germany too was by no means the only nation pondering the "Jewish Problem". In fact, their was heavy support for expatriation of Jewish peoples in both England and France in the years leading up to WW2. Hell, there were some factions that took a pro-Nazi stance. That Jewish industrialists controlled resources arrayed against the rise of the Nazi party certainly was a factor too.


Does that term encompass the Covenant's genocidal approach to the 'UNSC problem', or the Master Chief's genocidal solution to the 'Flood problem'?

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

[quote name='Serapth' timestamp='1347556658' post='4979780']

Does that term encompass the Covenant's genocidal approach to the 'UNSC problem', or the Master Chief's genocidal solution to the 'Flood problem'?

There are certain ironic parallels...

I will certainly edit that though, I suppose there are certain words that you really shouldn't typo.

In my defense, for some bizarro reason, my Chrome spell check stopped working a day or two ago. I typed it to get my usual "Did you mean" spelling correction from Google, and apparently forgot to delete it.
I will never forget it myself, although I was just an idiot Hungarian teenager who almost cried for anarchy and some "big" events to happen and was actually thrilled when this happened.

Anyway, the deaths of innocent people always disgusted me, so there's some serious mixup in my brain. I will never forget it, I'm always unconsciously reminded on the 11th of September (without anyone reminding me).

Dunno, shit, no fucking one should die for no reason

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