
Text RPG - feedback wanted!

Started by September 10, 2012 08:09 PM
25 comments, last by StrangeTurtle 12 years, 5 months ago

I've made a small game here:

It's kind of a wiki-like text adventure, where anyone can edit/expand the story.

I would be very interested to know how you would like to see it evolve.
Is there a feature where you would say "damn, this would be so cool!" ?


PS: if someone feels inspired to help, you are welcome! Drop me a note ;)
Nice. I would also suggest doing a wikipedia-style thing where people need accounts to edit so that it's easier to manage griefers by banning. This has the potential if you add the inventory and skills and whatnot.
I've had a quick look and I think it's a nice idea.

Since it is freely editable I hope you're doing regular backups (with several iterations). You will get some idiot trying to come along and destroy the whole thing, so you'll want something to be able to restore from.
Yeah, I noticed this was a problem. That some people edited one of the first pages and wrote "poop" instead just to troll around.

I think what I will do is that you first have to win the game once before editing it. ...or work with either chapters/areas and you can only edit parts you've already been successfully been through.

As for the backups, I store every update on any page, so it should be possible to allow a rollback to the previous version or a reviewing process. ...It's just work.

Very nice project. I am actually working on something extremely similar! (feel free to message me to share thoughts, resources, and etc)

Good luck! ^__^

I would be very interested to hear more about it!
Perhaps we can help each other.

Man, it's really annoying! What's up with people who always destroy stuff?!
Choose Your Own Wikiventure! That is pretty cool. :) But yeah you're gonna have to put some barriers in there. Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Well, I guess a "poop-pussy-penis" webapp would be much more successful.
...apparently, that's 95% of the content edited.
Congrats to the gamedev community!
(no, of course I also know there are some great people here, lost in the crowd)

...that being said, I'm working on a "safer" version where editing is restrained.
PS: thanks Heath for the encouraging words
It's a really interesting model. I could only get a single page to work though (page 2 I believe).

perhaps you could include a "report page" feature. This could default to a previous "safe" edit until a moderator had a opportunity to look at the page in question. Kind of a fail safe...

I'm interested in the project! I've a bit of experience in web design & programming (php, sql, and the likes). message me if you want any assistance. :P

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