Hi Charlie, listened to your some of your work, I enjoyed it very much. Where did you study? I'm always looking for composers to network and forge relationships with. Do you have a linked in account? if you wish you can listen to some of my examples as well as find my linked-in information on my site at http://www.ericjgallardo.com
Moritz I checked out your soundcloud page as well and as Charlie said, great work keep it up and the same goes for you if you have a linked-in account you can find my information at my site
Hey Eric, I studied here in London and I do have a Linked and will send it to you via pm. Thanks also for the comments on my music scores
I'll check out the website also
Hey Charlie, I'm also London based! Good stuff. Your stuff sounds really professional. Were your orchestral scores for anything in particular or just composing for fun?
Moritz, I also checked out your page. I absolutely love the feel of your stuff like Marooned it seems to have captured so much energy.
Thanks a lot I am glad you liked it and yes those were for film and video games.