
HellRaider "The quest to hell"

Started by October 12, 2001 11:59 AM
0 comments, last by MrNiceguyUT 23 years, 4 months ago
Hmmm. Wat the hell is this topic about you would say. That''s simple: I''m thinking of starting a new MOD for UT. My problem is I''m afraid: I need mappers, scripters, skinners and modelers. Now you want to know ofcourse what the MOD is. It''s a sort of Last Man Standing. Everybody has a certain numeber of lives. The one who is the only one left at the end has won. Nothing special you would say. But here are some things I want to add/change. There are going to be other weapons than the normal UT. The weapons do NOT do damage, but heal instead. If someone gets about 500 health, he dies and a angel raises from his body, which goes up to the roof and dissapears. (The player is already respawned then) You can get less healt by taking some power-ups which are there instead health packs or something. You can have a mininmum of 1 health with the "health vials" and a min of 100 with the "med boxes". The armor will be unused, when someone gots an idea what I should do with the armor. Tell me, because I don''t know a thing. Fall damage will be ignored and painzone''s have to change, because they will not go over a 100. They have to go over 500 (negative numbers). There are new map needed and some scripting in these maps. i want to have new maps and in all of these maps, there will be an end where the one who won has to go to. If he is there (and all others have been killed). Someone cool will happen: First there will be a ring of fire around the winner and the camera will turn around him. Then there will be major eyecandy, for example: an earthquake. Then a new character will come from some place (Satan) and he will bring the winner with his in some fire or something. I hope this is a bit a good idea and I hope it can be done. Thanks for everybody who wants to coöperate Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Did we mention we caused that? Duck or die, no regrets... Drunk Uncontrollable Clan Killers Don''''t Underestimate Crazy killers (Visit our site: The Duck-Clansite and sign the guestbook) Check out my site for new updates and sign my guestbook ! (please ???) This is it !
Fear is the path to the dark side.Fear leads to anger.Anger leads to hate.Hate leads to suffering. Did we mention we caused that?Duck or die, no regrets... Drunk Uncontrollable Clan KillersDon''t Underestimate Crazy killers(Visit our site: The Duck-Clansite and sign the guestbook)Check out my site for new updates and sign my guestbook ! (please ???)This is it !
Your mod has a small problem: it is exactly the same as normal last-man-standing. Other graphics, same goal. Weapons hurth, health packs heal. Perhaps... Make the goal to get down to 0 points (that would be a frag), make medkits hurt you (everyone rushes for them!) and make heal weapons (blow darts) to prevent your enemies from dying :D

Or change the concept a bit... This could become Medic Madness, or Unreal Lemmings...

Medic Madness:
Ever played TFC? It''s a Half Life mod. One of the classes is the medic. The medic can heal his own team, and infect the enemy...
Let''s twist the concept. No longer ''cap the flag'', but last man standing (with teams). Erase all the other classes. Erase all the weapons ''cept the medkit. Change the kit, so it infects friends and heals enemies. Then walk around, infect your friends, and make sure the enemy team lives longer then you do!!!!!!!!

Unreal Lemmings:
The three persons with the highest scores previous game are ''it''. They are the only ones with weapons (excluding those with blast radius). Also, they lose health fast. They are slower then the others. They got but one goal: to die as fast as possible! Two of the three have to die for them to get points. The faster they kill themselfs, the less points the others get. For every 10 seconds the others can keep this dudes alive (with medkits), they get a point. When a lemming manages to kill himself, or get killed, he gets 20 points. When the game either goes on for 2 minutes (12 points), or when two of the ''Lemmings'' manage to die, the round ends, the three people with the highest scores become the ''Lemmings'', and the game restarts.

Both spin offs from your mod...

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