Like Verizon. I hate their website, I hate their customer service phone system, I hate how they send you a letter for each change to your account up until and including when you change to paperless, and I would not use them for cell phone service in this area. But they have the best data coverage and thus I get to deal with them. (I use T-Mobile for cell and Verizon for data on a five spot, occasionally.)
And passwords. My god, I have now forgotten how many passwords I currently have. No seriously, I don't know. I make one and I forget, and thus I have to change it so I can forget that one too. Repeat every month for every account, or at least when I remember to get to it.
And remembering to pay each bill, each month, each time... gets oddly more difficult as I get older. The daily grind just gets in the way, as simple as it really is. I don't know, I just deal.
Iunno. Just felt like a good needless rant, thanks.