Anyway moving on, I myself am an aspiring 3D artist/programmer and have recently been looking ways to practice my skills. At first i went about attempting to recruiting any hand drawn art inclined friends to draw me some turnaround character concept art but that didn't turn out well. So then my thoughts turned to the other humongous community i belonged to, the internet. I assumed there would be some freely available character concepts or concept art of any kind that would suit my purpose, in short i couldn't find any.
So then my mind wandered and I thought of organizing something here on gamedev, a thread to collect people who needed to practice their work. My thoughts are this, we collect artists of any kind, designers, sound artists, programmers, anyone, who wants to practice their skills without being part of a full fledged team. Anyone can take parts of their work and use it for their own. A programmer who wants to make a small RPG game takes the sound artists work and the 3d artists models and puts it together, other programmers can take and recycle some of his work and do their own stuff. We need to create an environment where hobbyists can work as effectively as full teams.
This was just an idea and i was wondering about its viability, if anything of the sort already exists, and most of all would you guys be interested in it.