
Worth funding this game?

Started by August 06, 2012 12:10 AM
7 comments, last by Tom Sloper 12 years, 1 month ago
Hey I was just browsing Pozible (I like to do my bit for projects) and I saw a good possibility to donate too and wanted your guys opinion on it. I know there isn't much information up there but I like what I see so far and he says he will be updating it with more information soon.

Anyway heres the link -

Let me know what you think.
I think the project sounds interesting, and the screenshot is atmospheric. I didn't find much info about the game or the creator outside that site, which is often a warning sign. Would the previous poster like to expand upon "No"? wink.png

I think the project sounds interesting, and the screenshot is atmospheric. I didn't find much info about the game or the creator outside that site, which is often a warning sign. Would the previous poster like to expand upon "No"? wink.png

I think thats about it, the 'screenshot' could be anything (concept-art, pre-render, etc), There is absolutely nothing that indicates that this person has the ability to make a game, let alone make a good one. (Heck , that project page doesn't even tell you much about this particular game.)
[size="1"]I don't suffer from insanity, I'm enjoying every minute of it.
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!

I think the project sounds interesting, and the screenshot is atmospheric. I didn't find much info about the game or the creator outside that site, which is often a warning sign. Would the previous poster like to expand upon "No"? wink.png

The Reason I wrote "No" is because I'm assuming that the OP is the project creator, and he created an account on gamedev solely to get funding for his game (his only post and he signed up a few days ago). With all due respect I doubt this game will see the light of day, and I find it real shady that if the OP is the project creator, he would act like an interested individual instead of just saying "Hey I made this project, check it out and support me".
Warning bells indeed.

  • No information on the developer/studio, or demonstration of their ability to complete the project.
  • The OP is the project creator, Nathan Franklin, and is dishonestly pretending not to be associated with the project.
  • The concept art is shamelessly plagiarized from the Doug Aarniokoski film, The Nurse 3D.
  • The OP is also advertising in the classified pages here for a different hobbyist game simultaneously (the apocalypse game mentioned at the bottom of the pozible page).
  • Apparently has an office in West London (or sometimes central London), but his administrative address is in a small town in Cambridgeshire.

    [edit]And the pozible link has been pulled down...
Ouch. More cynical than me, but dead on the money. Stealing concept art... wow. The whole thing... wow.
Valuable lesson: you shouldn't be dishonest to the online community -- you'll usually get caught out, and potentially damage your chances of being more successful with any future endeavours. Don't steal concept (or other) art, don't pretend to be someone you aren't, and for the love of God please try to actually have something at least vaguely worth looking at before you even think about trying to (honestly and properly) draw attention to it!

- Jason Astle-Adams

Warning bells indeed.

  • No information on the developer/studio, or demonstration of their ability to complete the project.
  • The OP is the project creator, Nathan Franklin, and is dishonestly pretending not to be associated with the project.
  • The concept art is shamelessly plagiarized from the Doug Aarniokoski film, The Nurse 3D.
  • The OP is also advertising in the classified pages here for a different hobbyist game simultaneously (the apocalypse game mentioned at the bottom of the pozible page).
  • Apparently has an office in West London (or sometimes central London), but his administrative address is in a small town in Cambridgeshire.

    [edit]And the pozible link has been pulled down...

Wow. I think that says it all, and I think it's best if this thread is closed. Any mods who disagree, contact me and we can discuss my reasons.

-- Tom Sloper --

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