
Macs vs PCs?

Started by August 05, 2012 09:45 PM
32 comments, last by rip-off 12 years, 1 month ago
I've tried using NetBeans and Eclipse. It's horrible excuse for an IDE, very unresponsive.
I'm very happy to cross compile c++ with Eclipse. It's very easy to setup on win/mac/linux and fast. It has a big footprint, hence you might have used it on a older computer? Also QTCreator is very good...there's much more than proprietary crap. Lots of silly people in this forum...

Running Wine or some other Windows emulator, just bogs down the system, and produces many problems .
N.B. The standard form of Windows 'Emulation' on Mac is either to dual boot, so you're either starting up Windows, or Linux, or OSX natively, at full speed.
You run both OSX and Windows, natively, at the same time (with neither of them being emulated). Modern CPU's include features that allow two OS's to share the physical resources via virtualisation with little performance loss.

When I visited EA's iPhone developer, they had to use XCode on Mac to compile their iPhone builds, but preferred to work in Visual Studio on Windows. So, they used a virtualization package ("parallels" IIRC) to run both Windows and OSX at once, each on a different monitor, on a single computer. You can move the cursor between monitors as usual (just as seamless as when you have two monitors on Windows), and even copy&paste from one OS to the other and share the same file-system!

A lot of companies want to develop for iPhone/iPad as well as PC systems so they will PROBABLY choose OpenGL over DirectX...

No, they will do what they currently do and have a common layer which sits over the top of the hardware's API.

Much like today you have (DX9), DX11, XBox360, PS3 and Wii/WiiU layers so, going forward, companies will add an OpenGL ES layer if they need it.

Frankly OpenGL remains a disaster area with the API and the tools are still behind those we have for D3D and the consoles so no one is going to whole sale shift to OpenGL ES unless they drop everything else.

Going forward PC and the Future Consoles will be at DX11 feature levels and abstraction is likely to be D3D11-a-like too as it will be a lead platform and have the same features as the consoles.
Running Wine or some other Windows emulator, just bogs down the system, and produces many problems .
Again no, I'm running Rage etc. at full speed without any problems on Ubuntu!

Hey Moderators, I cannot downrate your posts but get downrated all the time by u?

Hey Moderators, I cannot downrate your posts but get downrated all the time by u?

No moderator has down rated your posts in this thread - please do not throw accusations like these around and instead listen to what the community is telling you with regards to your conduct here.
Hey Moderators, I cannot downrate your posts but get downrated all the time by u?
You did successfully downvote my post (about dual-booting and dual-OS-VM's), which cancelled out the existing up-vote. What was wrong with it, can I ask? Did I say something incorrect?

As phantom said, at this current moment, your post on the previous page ("Ubuntu beats them all out of the water...") was down-voted by 3 users and up-voted by 1; none of those members were moderators.
Your post on this page ("there's much more than proprietary crap. Lots of silly people in this forum...") was down-voted by a different 2 users, neither of them moderators.

That's 5 people who aren't happy with the way in which you're expressing your opinions, none of them moderators. If you're being down-voted "all the time", that's an indication that the community as a whole (not necessarilly the moderators) thinks that either your attitude is unhelpful or your facts are wrong. If you would like to discuss hypothetical reasons why specific posts are unpopular, feel free to PM me.
These days the choice between getting an apple machine or a 'regular' pc is just a matter of lifestyle, there are people who are willing to spend a lot of money on a sleek design and a nice little apple logo, and that's perfectly fine IMO (it's their money after all)
The argument that macs are better for artists sounds quite ridiculous to me since most major applications for professional content creation is available for both platforms (yes I'm looking at you Adobe CS), and I see absolutely no evidence that windows-based machines lack any features or technological capabilities in this area compared to apple machines.
The 'mac is better because it's a Unix derivate' argument is quite strange in my eyes too since you're still throwing thousands of dollars/euros at a machine and operating system while there are so many more open Unices or Unix-like systems available which offer the same capabilities for free as long as you have the machine, and building a machine with the same specs of an apple machine yourself is a lot cheaper than buying said apple machine.

Hey Moderators, I cannot downrate your posts but get downrated all the time by u?

Maybe you should look at your own posts first to find the reason why you're being downvoted?

I gets all your texture budgets!

This doesn't belong here. Moving to the lounge.

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