As for jRPGs, I just think that it's gonna be hard understanding why a specific genre of games is having problems if you don't understand the industry as a whole - or the individual jRPG and it's individual feature cells, for that matter. My immediate response would be that jRPGs tend to be clones of eachother on a much higher frequency than wRPGs. In that regard, I think that the accessibility factor is less relevant, though still always there.
Just so we're clear,
I've always been a big fan of the snes-era jRPGs and thought about creating a series of discussions based around the flaws of the genre and how they could be assessed.
I'm not referring to flaws 'now' but flaws 'since the begginning'. Obviously, they weren't clones at first, but the accessibility bar was still pretty high (heck, even D&D original video game was pretty non-intuitive!)
I personally don't like jRPGs because I think they are complicated
That's what we're after here. Can you define what makes them complicated in your view?
have un-immersive combat
I'm right there with you, and trying to get a menu-based battle system to feel more immersive while not impacting the pros of the genre.
they show off a lot of overhyped superpower stuff that ends up being a parody of itself
I guess the mainstream title do play the God card very often.
they often have a ton of dialogue that I'm just waiting impatiently to shuffle through because I didn't pay $50 to watch a movie
The same could be argued of cinematics in modern games though. This is a flaw in many games, and not necessarily genre-induced. I'll agree that many of the mainstream jrpgs are fairly big offenders here, but early dragon warrior titles really had so very few lines of texts that I doubt that all games of this genre are concerned.
One of the great exceptions to this was Final Fantasy 7, an almost perfect jRPG which still had some of the negatives, but made up for that with tons of positive content - a ridiculous number of mini-games, a vast story arc that was well-defined with compelling characters and unique personalities.
Arguably, one of my least favorite jrpgs ever