
Unity Pro licence from cheaper sources

Started by July 09, 2012 10:04 AM
1 comment, last by HNikolas 12 years, 7 months ago
I am not sure if this is the right subforum for this topic. If this is wrong subforum, then pardon and plese someone with the powers, move it to the right one. I would also like to mention that this topic is not here to buy Unity Pro licence from someone, it is currently purely theoretical.

I am really falling in love with Unity3D and would like to expand to the full licence just to unlock all of the power it can deliver. Looking at the shop, regular Unity Pro licence is $1500, so it costs more then I would ideally want to pay out(I understand its small money for game developing companies, but I am just indie guy who recently got back into game programming and Blender). I am wondering, from the licence and law perspective, is it allowed and possible to buy the Unity Pro licence second-hand from someone wanting to sell it and if yes, what precautions should be made?
[size=2]Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET MVC, jQuery and everything else web.. now also trying my hand on games.
When you spend $1500, you're 'buying' a legal contract between yourself and the Unity company... I highly doubt that this contract would be transferable, and even if it was, the conditions would probably have to involve Unity's oversight, not just some shady handing-on of registration details.

Edit: on their website:
Unity licenses may not be sold and are otherwise are non-transferable.[/quote]So, if you buy a 2nd-hand license on the black-market, it's exactly the same as if you were using a pirate copy (except some scammer has your money). You still don't have legal permission to be distributing games made with their product.
Thanks for the fast reply. I guess theres not much else to do then wait for their discount. :)
[size=2]Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET MVC, jQuery and everything else web.. now also trying my hand on games.

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