"If consquences dictate our course of action, it doesn''t matter what''s right, it''s only wrong if you get caught."
- Tool

Original post by Ashleywlee
Also would it be easier to get maybe a few people to help on graphics? Please reply.
Original post by RandomTask
Blender, as mentioned before, is a FREE modeler that works superbly well in linux.
The compilers for the GNU/Linux OS are completely FREE as well (gcc and g++.)
The openGL libraries are FREE (MesaGL.)
There are FREE API''s such as SDL (Simple Direct Layer) which will handle sound, graphics, timers, semaphores, windowing basics, etc. These are GOOD packages that work great. SDL can be used with OpenGL.
There are "make" utilities like automake that make installation of your program simple and easy which are of course FREE as well.
There are several source code editors that are likewise, free.
If you set up a linux box you can then set up the same machine as a source code repository using the FREE CVS (concurrent versioning system) software.