
Has the game industry reached a point of saturation?

Started by July 06, 2012 08:30 AM
46 comments, last by danbrown 12 years, 7 months ago
agreed.... but what abount blunt changes in maybe, ui like gnome 2 to gnome 3.... Or the new metro????
These are blunt changes...
Reading through this entire thread again. I have come to the opinion that @sankrant that your questions are better resolved through an understanding of the following link. The why's, wherefore's and wherehow's are in themselves sufficient to explain the overall process of what you are asking. The use of individual case examples such as gnome and metro though will not afford you answers of any real value as they only represent a microscopic look at a macroscopic reality.
@stormynature Thanks, very informative.... the diffusion part is the market involvement? Right? +1
Thank you all very very much, your answers have rendered my mindset a bit more mature.... I envy you all, you all were a great help to me.
Now I understand, the end result matters, whatever the technology.. Feeling great.
I just seek the most accurate answer... Precise and accurate answer will do.
Ok: The question doesn't make sense. Go off and start learning some of these tools, and think about the question again in a few years time.
@hodgman I will follow your advice promptly, and come back to you all like a man! Please give me your best wishes :). Thank you again.
PS : will you help me during my learning years?

and ended up at C++ (the point of saturation).

Change your mind about this phrase and you'll change your mind about the whole post. Do something someone hasn't. There are myriads of turing complete languages that will allow you to make the games you want, in different ways than you thought you could before. I recently started playing with Tk and SDL in Perl. Changed my mind about a lot of stuff (especially performance).
I think the screwdriver analogy fits better with language concepts (variables, arrays, loops, etc) rather than the language itself. You can use that screwdriver along with other tools to make a boat out wood, plastic or paper if you want but for big enterprise-level boats you will generally end up using metal. And the same goes for variables and other tools used in whatever languages may be used to build your application/game with C++ up there at the top still.

All current languages and possibly concepts will likely have a shelf-life though if and when quantum computers become available.

As for stagnation in the games industry I don't believe it has. Technologically it has slowed but new stuff is still coming all the time. Off the top of my head I can think of several in the last 5 years or so: deferred rendering, touch-screen gestures, Wii/Kinect inputs, and so on.

Creatively the big publishers, along with Hollywood, appear to have stagnated almost completely. That is mainly due to being answerable to shareholders who only want share prices to go up. The 'low hanging fruit' of risks and original ideas have largely been taken and safe sequels and formulaic marketing are the main route left open to them with sheer volume of sales being more important than ever. They simply have no other option left to avoid a stock crash. The creativity gap is being filled pretty well by indies now who can better afford to take risks or mix-up older ideas due to lower overheads, faster turnaround and far more modest needs in terms of sales.


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