
Software for at-a-glance overview / organizing of 9001 Projects?

Started by June 16, 2012 09:38 AM
2 comments, last by MaulingMonkey 12 years, 2 months ago
I've been digging into my projects\dead\ folder recently, a dumping ground of projects I've stopped working on. There's some stuff well worth salvaging for use in new projects in here. This process is daunting, despite 'only' containing 31,705 files out of the 64,473 files in my projects\ folder.

I want a way to better document my hundreds of throwaway projects. I'm going through, renaming project folders based on language, branch count, adding short descriptions, taking screenshots, etc. -- but this is inefficient, slow, and isn't all that ideal for browsing. I'm after a better at-a-glance view of all my projects. VCS websites like github and sourceforge tend to at least have a project list that lists project names and descriptions -- I'm looking for something similar and more advanced that works locally.

Before I roll my own, is there anything already existing out there? If so, my google-fu is failing me.
Failing that, what are some of the features that could be useful?

Screenshots, Short Descriptions, Tagging, Statistics (language, loc/commit/branch count), Pending changes, VCS and Website tracking all come to mind.
Zol on #gamedev suggests some sort of lightweight sourceforgelet stack that you run locally to quickly share local projects (or their information) with others.
I'd be interested to see if you find a good one, or create one of your own. I have a similar problem myself.

I wondered if you could use the Windows 7 metadata tagging system and hook up a browser on top of that?
Nothing out there quite like I want. Rolling my own pile of hacks:
Needs more icons, better sorting metric, more accurate metrics in general, better handling of branches.

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