
Game Credits?

Started by June 08, 2012 01:09 PM
5 comments, last by ddn3 12 years, 3 months ago
If I want to know how many people worked on a film, and what role they played in making it, I can go to IMDB and look up cast & crew. Is there something like this for games? How can I see the credits for a game, short of buying it, playing it all the way through, beating it, and taking a screenshot of the credits page?
Read them on the box? :)

MobyGames goes somewhat in that direction, but doesn't feel that comprehensive, nor fast. (

Fruny: Ftagn! Ia! Ia! std::time_put_byname! Mglui naflftagn std::codecvt eY'ha-nthlei!,char,mbstate_t>

That's so weird, that I have to drive to the store and read them on the box, basically buy the game in a box store to get the credits.

Game industry, thy name is shame. :)

(Ever noticed how few antonyms there are for pride? Synonyms abound, but antonyms are all phrases, basically synonyms for pride with modifiers attached)
Lots more games come out than movies. There doesn't seem to be much need for it. If I'm thinking of a Tom Cruise movie and can't think of the name I imdb it. If I'm thinking of a game, it's not like I'm going to remember that awesome game programmer 'x' worked on it and I should look them up.

NBA2K, Madden, Maneater, Killing Floor, Sims

We weren't even included in the credits of the first game that I worked on. Including outsourced developers in the credits was against the publisher's policies or something (this was an original game on a new platform for existing IP, not a simple port).

I think most people just don't care about game credits. Knowing the game's developer/publisher/brand is enough to go searching for similar work; the monkeys making it don't matter. Just as when searching for movies similar to those you like you'll look up the other works of the actors/directors, not the gaffers.
Depending on the game, you might be able to find a playthrough/Let's Play of it on YouTube that would include the credits, if that helps.

Life in the Dorms -- comedic point-and-click adventure game out now for Xbox Live Indie Games!

My portfolio:

This is a big problem in the industry. Since it's not unionized, it's pretty much left to the discretion of the publishers if they want to disclose the developers. Most of them don't of course since they only want to associated the game with their brand (gives them more power and leverage over the developers). That is the reason why strong individual brands have not appeared after the golden age of PC games.. Publishers actively discourage it, but that's changing with the indie movement.


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