Hi everybody!
I''ve been wondering for a long time exactly what people look for first when they''re out looking to buy a video game. So, I''m starting a poll to find out. What I want to know is, which of the following things do *you* consider most important when choosing a new game to buy?
1. State of the art 3D graphics
2. High quality Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound
3. Interesting and compelling storyline
4. Internet Multiplayer capability
5. Complex and intriguing gameplay
6. Highly visible brand names(like EA, Konami, Square, etc...)
7. Reasonable prices
8. Good magazine reviews
If you have more than one, place them in the order of importance or number them or something
I''m posting this poll in the Game Design forum because it is going to relate directly to how much time a designer like me should spend nurturing each of these aspects of game design.
Thanks ahead of time to everyone who answers this poll. I''ll be checking in every so often so please, any replies would be appreciated to the extreme.
Paradigm Shift 2000
"I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is Futile." -- Locutus of Borg
I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.
I almost always buy adventure games, and not much else.(I''m one hell of an escapist, not to be confused with escape artist)
When buying, my number one requirement is shit loads of content and playing time.
Computer games are relatively expensive, and if I can finish one within a few days of buying it, (which is what I did with MystIII), it aint much fun. Also, because adventure games are only released once every change of general secretary, if it is short then I''ve got a long wait ahead.
Given how there have been some quite literally unplayable adventures released in the past (see publisher Zablac), Brand names can also be influential, but not very often.
Magazine reviews can help a lot, but I''ve been badly misled by them before now, and suckered into buying one or two really bad games in consequence. Only well established and reputable reviewers influence me in any way, and I take them with a pinch of salt.
Finally, there is immersion, which covers options 1 and 2. These would not actually make me more likely to buy the game, but they would make me enjoy it more, and so increase your brand names reputation in my perception.
So, my final list, in order of preference, is options
5, 3, 7, 8, 1
Remember, a good review is worth a million brand names, and good content gets you good reviews. Good presentation also gets you good reviews, but not for very long, as someone will always out-present you sooner or later.
Internet multiplayer is a waste of time with current levels of technology, but LAN is workable. However, it is far from essential, and so isn''t on the list. I don''t know anyone with surround sound capability on his computer, and only one with it on his TV, so don''t bother with that either.
Bugger, that last post was mine. I''m sure our forum regulars could have guessed that, however, with my modest reputation as an almost exclusive adventure gamer.
"If you go into enough detail, everything becomes circular reasoning." - Captain Insanity
Hey thanks for your responses! It seems like Gameplay and Storyline are high on the list, whereas Brand Names aren''t. I''m keeping all the stats on this, so, if I get enough replies I''ll post the results
5 replies hardly makes a comprehensive survey though. Maybe I should have posted this survey in the Lounge? Hey Everybody! Can I get more responses here?
Paradigm Shift 2000
"I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is Futile." -- Locutus of Borg
Brand names usually judge quality, which helps with most of those options, like video and audio. Though, I think the third and fifth are probably the two most important, for the pure reason that it makes it different. For example, how many 3d shooters have you played based on similiar graphics engines and what exactally changes between them? A few guns, an item or two? Its not until you mention something like Deus Ex where you have something thats different, and thats attributed to a storyline and new elements to the gameplay.
:: Inmate2993 :: William C. Bubel "Please refrain from bothering Booster."