Game Change...
Well, I actually began thinking the other day, and I came up with the idea for a pretty interesting idea.
Instead of making a real-time game, I am going to make a tactical 2-D RPG. This should be easier to program (yay).
The basic plot is you, a member of a Mystic Academy, are trying to win the World Wizardry Tournament. Of course, there is going to be more to it (different regional tournaments and such, and even more than just fighting in the tournament).
I plan on having quite a bit of things for the player to do so the game doesn''t get boring.
I feel this may be a better idea than the Aliens game, and is even better since it doesn''t fringe on any copyright laws.
What do you people think?
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When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
It''s a good idea but maybe how about during a tournament the stadium or what ever is attacked by some really evil and power warlock and you have to go out make allies. You try to rescue the wizards and witches stolen in the tournament by the warlock and he''s minons are all around the planet. you are outnumber and outskilled. You must try to get stronger and better as the race to save the wizards gets longer and longer.
Hmm...maybe I should go a bit deeper into the game''s design...
First, this isn''t supposed to be the sterotypical "I''m a hero and I am here to save the world" RPG. I am trying to give people something different in a game.
Now, what happens is the game is going to have a calendar. Tournaments begin at different dates and such. For example, before you can enter the regional tournament you must win the Academy tournament. When you start, you have a few days to prepare by 1-Training, 2-Spell Memorization, 3-Spell Upgrades, or 4-Weapon and Armor Upgrades. You then go into the Tournament, which, at first, shall be the same style one on one fight throughout.
Afterwards, you will have to travel a certain distance to where the next tournament is being held within a certain number of days. If you arrive early, you will be able to train a bit. However, you can gain special spells, summons and other such things if you travel.
Your character also will consume one water and food unit a day, so you may have to stop by villages to get more provisions. You can also run into enemies while out in the world. On the plain, it is a rare thing, but forests, mountains and similar terrain will be common fighting grounds, as well as places where the distance of travel is lessened.
Eventually, battles in the Tournaments will have new objectives, such as team work, free-for-all, or to reach something before the other by using your magical resources.
The game is not really meant for story entertainment, but just plain old fun. This makes it now only more acceptable to wider age range of audiences (being a teenager I am not going to make a game w/o death and stuff), but people that don''t like games with a story will also like this.
OK? Later
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...
When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
First, this isn''t supposed to be the sterotypical "I''m a hero and I am here to save the world" RPG. I am trying to give people something different in a game.
Now, what happens is the game is going to have a calendar. Tournaments begin at different dates and such. For example, before you can enter the regional tournament you must win the Academy tournament. When you start, you have a few days to prepare by 1-Training, 2-Spell Memorization, 3-Spell Upgrades, or 4-Weapon and Armor Upgrades. You then go into the Tournament, which, at first, shall be the same style one on one fight throughout.
Afterwards, you will have to travel a certain distance to where the next tournament is being held within a certain number of days. If you arrive early, you will be able to train a bit. However, you can gain special spells, summons and other such things if you travel.
Your character also will consume one water and food unit a day, so you may have to stop by villages to get more provisions. You can also run into enemies while out in the world. On the plain, it is a rare thing, but forests, mountains and similar terrain will be common fighting grounds, as well as places where the distance of travel is lessened.
Eventually, battles in the Tournaments will have new objectives, such as team work, free-for-all, or to reach something before the other by using your magical resources.
The game is not really meant for story entertainment, but just plain old fun. This makes it now only more acceptable to wider age range of audiences (being a teenager I am not going to make a game w/o death and stuff), but people that don''t like games with a story will also like this.
OK? Later
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...
When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
how long do you think, you''ll need to finsch the game?
playstation sucks... start with drugs *joj*(justajoke)
playstation sucks... start with drugs *joj*(justajoke)
Well, here is what me and my partner need to do.
-Complete the game design on paper, including things like all the spells and such.
-Get all art design done and actual graphics (not to mention finding a 2-D level editor).
-Me and my partner are taking a C++ class, so it will take a while until we are ready to do the complicated programming.
I will probably get assistance doing the graphics, but programming may be a problem (I do plan on getting at least one of the suggested books in the suggested categories on this site).
I believe this game will not only be easier to program than the Aliens game, but it will also be more fun.
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...
When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
-Complete the game design on paper, including things like all the spells and such.
-Get all art design done and actual graphics (not to mention finding a 2-D level editor).
-Me and my partner are taking a C++ class, so it will take a while until we are ready to do the complicated programming.
I will probably get assistance doing the graphics, but programming may be a problem (I do plan on getting at least one of the suggested books in the suggested categories on this site).
I believe this game will not only be easier to program than the Aliens game, but it will also be more fun.
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...
When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
This does sound pretty cool. Sorta like a Pokemon meets Harvest Moon meets D&D. Set up a site on it sometime if you get a chance.
Of course I''ll set up a web site! I''ll do it as soon as possible...
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...
When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...
When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
Have you scaned the website of my game BATTLETACTICS?
Maybe there are some ideas or concepts which are intresting for you (i worked a a half year on my GameDesign).
I read through your description of what your game is going to be and think that its a cool idea. Have you seen a knights tale?
Maybe there are some ideas or concepts which are intresting for you (i worked a a half year on my GameDesign).
I read through your description of what your game is going to be and think that its a cool idea. Have you seen a knights tale?
No, I have not seen a Knight's Tale and don't wish to. Most of my Medievil style stuff is influenced by MiddleEarth (where the Lord of the Rings takes place), Dungeons and Dragons and Final Fantasy, as well as my own bits of hocus pocus globbity gloop.
On your website, it is pretty good...except...prerendered graphics?! HOW SHAMEFUL!!! MAUGH!!!!!!!!!!! Oh matters none...heh, I could really care less. I just think maybe you should go looking around for a graphics artist.
And, what are you using as a level designer? I need one...
Thanx, and later...
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...
When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
Edited by - GrimRupert on October 9, 2001 6:08:24 PM
On your website, it is pretty good...except...prerendered graphics?! HOW SHAMEFUL!!! MAUGH!!!!!!!!!!! Oh matters none...heh, I could really care less. I just think maybe you should go looking around for a graphics artist.
And, what are you using as a level designer? I need one...
Thanx, and later...
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...
When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
Edited by - GrimRupert on October 9, 2001 6:08:24 PM
School sucks, people suck, family sucks, life sucks, reality sucks...When all else fails, Playstation prevails...
That sounds like a pretty cool idea, how exactly do you plan on doing the fighting? You said it isn''t real-time, so is it like Final Fantasy style? Or more like the Heroes of Might and Magic games where you can move your guys around the battlefield. If its more like a normal turn based rpg battle I would be careful about how you design it because if the battles are too similar and take forever (like FF8), then it could just get boring. The difference with your game I would imagine is that it is pretty much all about the battles, so most of the design and effort will be put into the battle system, so you could have lots of different attacks and spells and magical physical attacks and "limit break" type things and...well, stuff like that. BTW, a free-for-all battle I think would be pretty fun
. Anyway, good luck.
We get signal.
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We get signal.
There are bombs exploding all around us!!
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