
(void*) as Parameter and @this handle

Started by May 03, 2012 04:51 PM
4 comments, last by saejox 12 years, 10 months ago

I would like to use function such as

r = engine->RegisterObjectMethod("EventManager", "int RegisterSomeCallback(?&in ,const string &in)", asMETHODPR(EventManager, RegisterSomeCallback, (void *,const string &), int), asCALL_THISCALL);assert( r >= 0 );

Angelscript Code

class Npc
int callbackid;
// pass object pointer to engine with function name
callbackid = EM.RegisterSomeCallback(@this, "CallBackFunction");

void CallBackFunction()


passing @this as a pointer is not possible as i figured. or am i doing it wrong?
also is ?&in correct way to register void* parameter?

thank you.
Another related question smile.png

is it possible to pass an object function's pointer to another Angelscript function or to C++ ?
You can pass @this to a ?&in parameter. AngelScript will then pass a pointer to the handle as the argument.

Note that the ?&in parameter in AngelScript is translated to 2 distinct parameters in the registered function, the first is the void* that receives the pointer to the value, and the second is an int that receives the typeId of the value.

Manual: The variable parameter type

Your function RegisterSomeCallback must then be implemented as:

int EventManager::RegisterSomeCallback(void *ptr, int typeId, const string &methodName)
// Make sure it is a handle that is received
if( typeId & asTYPEID_OBJHANDLE )
// Get the address of the object
void *obj = *reinterpret_cast<void**>(ptr);

// Get the object type
asIObjectType *type = engine->GetObjectTypeById(typeId);

// Get the method
asIScriptFunction *func = type->GetMethodByName(methodName.c_str());
if( func )
// Keep a reference to the object for the callback
engine->AddRefScriptObject(obj, type);


No, it is currently not possible to take the pointer of a class method in AngelScript. In a future version I'll implement something similar to delegates to support this. - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
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i thought typeid was optional and engine registers only handle if it doesn't exist. silly me.

i did it like this (might be useful for someone in the future)

int EventManager::RegisterSomeCallback(void *ptr, int typeId, const string &methodName)
if( typeId & asTYPEID_OBJHANDLE )
// cast it to asIScriptObject
asIScriptObject*obj = *static_cast<asIScriptObject**>(ptr); // static_cast works just fine

// Get the object type
asIObjectType *type = obj->GetObjectType(); // faster than engine->GetObjectTypeById lookup i think

// Get the method
asIScriptFunction *func = type->GetMethodByName(methodName.c_str());
if( func )
obj->AddRef() // dont need engine here neither


Thank you. It works beautifully!
That works too. Though you may want to add a check to make sure the handle is really to a script object, so the application doesn't crash in case the script calls the function with a handle to a registered object instead.

// Make sure the value is a handle to a script object
if( (typeId & asTYPEID_OBJHANDLE) && (typeId & asTYPEID_SCRIPTOBJECT) )
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That works too. Though you may want to add a check to make sure the handle is really to a script object, so the application doesn't crash in case the script calls the function with a handle to a registered object instead.

// Make sure the value is a handle to a script object
if( (typeId & asTYPEID_OBJHANDLE) && (typeId & asTYPEID_SCRIPTOBJECT) )

thank you.

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