
Basic Legal and Business Terms - Descriptions and links

Started by April 19, 2012 06:01 PM
0 comments, last by Stormynature 12 years, 8 months ago
Okay this is a beginning piece of work which I will be editing into a full shape over the next month (i.e. sufficient time for anyone who wants to get a post in) as time goes on. What I am interested in is Appropriate (i.e. game development related) terms, useful links, corrections etc. I am not interested in recreating a legal dictionary what I am interested in is creating a very swift reference. Certain things like copyright, trademarks, patents are covered in the FAQ but probably not deep enough in my opinion

By the end of May I basically plan to have this section of the thread re-edited to the point of Titles, a brief description and useful set of links (pref. no more than 3 per term).

NOTE: This does NOT constitute legal advice. This is merely meant to act as a resource aid.

SECTIONS (so far)

© - Copyright (Alt + 0169)
® - Registered Trade Mark (Alt + 0174)
- Trade Mark (Alt + 0153)


IP - Intellectual property (note: IP as an acronym does have other associations within the IT industry eg. Internet Protocol)

C, Contr. - Contract
NDA - Non-disclosure agreements
NCC - Non-compete clause
CNC - Covenant not to compete
PDA - Project development agreement

LLC - Limited Liability Company
CO - Company
PTY LTD - Proprietary Limited

A Glossary of Game Biz terms by Tom Sloper aka FAQ: 28

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