

Started by October 05, 2001 12:12 PM
1 comment, last by aSe 23 years, 4 months ago
Hi folks, I''m working on a space game, and having got my skybox working I discovered I had the problem others have described (gimble lock?) with my camera rotation code, which was a simple - so now I''m using Eoin Hennessy''s excellant 6DOF camera class (Eoin Hennessy), which essentially behaves like gluLookAt. The problem is, I can''t get the skybox to render anymore, because I need to be able to translate to the camera position, render the skybox, then do the camera rotation - but this method rolls the translation and rotation into one. Anyone got any cunning ideas? I tried glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(cam.eye.x, cam.eye.y, cam.eye.z); sky.Render(); glPopMatrix(); cam.Update; // This does both the translation and rotation - but to no avail. If I understood the maths behind the transformation matrix Eoin uses well enough I''m sure I could split the cam.Update() method into two parts, but I''m totally lost. Thanks for any help anyone can offer. I don''t *have* to use this camera, but I need a way of full 6DOF that still lets me use a skybox. Best regards, Iain
What do u mean with "I can''t get the skybox to render anymore"
in my code, i''m rotating and translating the cam via gluLookAt
after that i''m drawing the skybox like thispseudo-code)


I hope it''ll help u.

hey, life has to go on
EC_ToASter, you star! I didn''t think of that, works perfectly. And on that positive note, so begins a long night of coding Thanks again.

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