the VC9 Debug build (Win32) for AngelScript 2.23.0 throws heaps of compiler/preprocessor errors, e.g:
1>as_atomic.cpp 1>C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.0A\include\specstrings.h(171) : error C2008: '$': unerwartetes Zeichen in Makrodefinition' (the german text portion of the message translates to 'unexpected token in macro definition')
This is related e.g. to the following code line: #define __$adt_prop(adt,prop)
Interesting. I use MSVC9 myself and I don't have this problem.
It looks like the Microsoft SDK is using some syntax that the MSVC9 compiler doesn't recognize. I personally never saw the use of $ in a preprocessor macro. I wonder what it would mean.
Did you perhaps upgrade the Microsoft SDK recently?
A little googling on the string '#define __$adt_prop(adt,prop)' shows that others have similar problem in other projects.
It looks like it is a language extension that Microsoft uses. Did you perhaps turn off language extensions in the project settings?