
Have something interesting for me?

Started by March 10, 2012 08:01 AM
4 comments, last by monkeykoder 12 years, 6 months ago
I have my bachelors degree in Mathematics and I work in the least interesting field of software development (software consultancy ("Junior Software Developer" AKA I'm really good at debugging...)) I don't technically have my minor in Physics but only because I didn't actually apply for it. Either way Linear Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations etc are pretty rote topics for me by now. How I got where I am is no mystery to me but I am looking to learn some more interesting areas of software development.

I am looking for any of the following interesting situations:

A) Suggested Graduate level CS books relating to Game Development if only remotely (upper division in graphics)
B) Interesting projects that might need an extra hand I am pretty familiar with the C family of languages (C, C++, C#)
C) People willing to pay me the same or more than I am making now for a more interesting job (I can just barely pay my meager bills as it is)

If you can provide assistance with any of the above I would much appreciate it.

P.S. Who would have thought that a game development forum could actually be well designed and programmed?

P.P.S. I have an inability to think small which has greatly limited my growth skill wise.
So it seems according to my searches Real Time Rendering and Physically Based Rendering are the two necessary graphics books for those interested in graphics?
You'll probably also want Foley & Van Damm -- its the classic CS graphics text for the past... well, since it was first written -- its certainly not "modern", but it lays the foundation exceedingly well.

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

Just ordered a used copy of that one can't fault old it's cheap.
It looks like a new edition (the 3rd) is on its way -- it's not outdated in any way, its just a very "theory" oriented book, and theory doesn't change much. Just don't expect to find anything about how you might implement things on modern GPUs or such. The other texts you mention are pretty theory-heavy too, of course, but simply by benefit of being written more recently they have the benefit of at least being aware of implementation detail as it relates to modern hardware.

throw table_exception("(? ???)? ? ???");

Theory works for me implementation sources tend to be abundant while theory sources tend to be rare in my experience. I just wish I had the money to put down on the rest of the books on that list and some good AI books as well.

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