
English Class Home work, Research Paper.

Started by March 09, 2012 05:23 AM
1 comment, last by douglasquaid84 12 years, 6 months ago
I'm writing a research paper for a 12th grade english class, this is the rough draft. The paper is about Interpreters. Due to it being an english class the technical information doesn't need to be completely spot on, but any criticism is appreciated.
It's kinda long, here it is
I'm sure there's misspellings I think I might have said interpreters around 20 times.
Any comments help. Feel free to, as they say "tear me a new one.".
Thank you in advance
I don't have time to read it in detail, but maybe put a comment explaining each assembly instruction to the right of the command. Example:

ADD 3, 1 # Add 3 and 1 together
CMP 2, 5 # Compare 2 and 5 for equality
JNZ # Jump if the comparison is false

(whether or not you use the hash or not is up to you, but give it some different highlighting than the assembly) (and I don't know if you really care whether or not your assembly is actually correct or not)


Oh my gosh, I hate GDNet's text editor, it keeps absolutely borking my white spacing.
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I don't really because it's not like it's x86 or anything, and my audience most likely will not give a flying crap. But yes I am aware.

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