I am guilty of spending a lot of time in front of my computer. The reason for this is that I do not have a girlfriend, am not married, have no friends but a steady income. There is not much in the outside world that gives me so much joy as programming or other things that can be done on a computer. I know there is a very sad undertone in what I write but I make the best with what I want. I used to travel a lot cause I heard travelling was awesome. I found it to be boring and uninteresting, I visited all those places being called awesome and great(Dubai, New York, Sydney, ...), I walked around, visited all kinds of clubs talked to people but in fact in other countries it's no better than at home.
Yes I compensate having no social contacts with a lot of electronics. But as I said I tried out "the other world". I did not find anything as fulfilling as sitting in front of my computer. Most humans are leechers, they want entertainment and are always ready to leave when it's more entertaining somewhere else. I find that to be sad.
Anyway, these days CGI is my new hobbyCGI like 3DSMax also has a programming language, called Maxscript, which is quite good.