
Focus via blog

Started by February 07, 2012 07:01 PM
-1 comments, last by tony136 12 years, 7 months ago
Hi all,

Long time browser - first time poster.

I've attempted to start a few games in the past but have always found myself bogged down or easily distracted by starting new games or jumping to far into the deep end. A little while ago, after a few years working I realised that I work a lot better when I have schedule, structure and deadlines!

To help solve this little "personal weakness" I have, I decided to artificially create a work like structure by creating a web site and posting updates on my progress.

This is the first time I've attempted something like this so I would really like a little bit of objective feedback - on everything! The design, my writing, the content and possibly even the game I'm working on (even in it's rather primitive state).

Anywho, if you fancy a peek -
(The name is a play on the fact that I created the site to help reduce the "dubious-ness" of what I was making)
Please check out my attempt at making a game at!
Current project: Missile Base

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