By Hypnotron
Capitalism's War on Democracy (There is no Illuminati)
The pen is mightier than the sword. Put another way, language and communication are mightier than the sword. And it was with words and not cutting weapons, that the world’s oldest democracy was felled. What am I talking about? I’m talking about making left into right, turning up into down, and pointing at the naked emperor in his handsome suit. I’m talking about the Tower of Babel; about confusion and the inherent nature of human beings to confuse and be confused through the use of imprecise language and the redefining of words and phrases.
If it were only a matter of faulty logic, we could expect that the ship would be eventually righted. But faulty language on the other hand, does not usually get corrected unless used during the practice or study of a formal discipline. Faulty language (intentional or otherwise) tends to multiply and spread and corrupt our personal philosophies and weaken our resolve just like a strand of rogue DNA that has stealthily embedded itself into a host and begins to transform that host into a place where it can thrive.
The Tale of Two Liberalisms
Who’s to say exactly when it changed, but it was through the common human practice of hijacking and twisting words and their meanings to suit our own goals and not a global conspiracy, that the word “conservatism” for example, was transformed and became equated with the political philosophy of today’s Republican Party whilst every economist worth his salt knows the Republican philosophy to be in actuality - neoliberalism.
In the United States of America today the right wing political establishment is comprised predominantly of neoliberals. The left wing political establishment is comprised predominantly of embedded liberals (see http://en.wikipedia....dded_liberalism). Conservative politicians, hallmarked by their dedication to reason and rationality and who are not beholden to any particular ideology save democracy, are virtually extinct. Calling the politicians on the left and the right anything other than liberals and neoliberals only serves to confuse us all. Further we should stop associating the common citizen with “the left” or “the right.” The common citizen is not apart of those groups but the media perpetuates the idea that we are.
Both neoliberalism and embedded liberalism advance the tenets of free market capitalism and thus are anti democratic. Unrestrained capitalism and democracy are in fact mutually exclusive systems. The primary difference between neoliberalism and embedded liberalism is that the neoliberals want unrestrained laissez-faire capitalism whereas old school liberals want some regulation to mitigate the socio-economic inequities brought on by unrestrained capitalism. But even this is changing as Democratic Party members in high office are siding with their right wing counterparts on a whole range of issues with increasing frequency.
Unfortunately the right wing politicians won’t come out of the closet and admit to being neoliberals. Many of them may not even be aware that they are neoliberals. But we the people, once we understand and admit to ourselves and each other that conservatism is effectively dead and that only forms of liberalism exist will EVERYTHING (our politics, our news and entertainment media, the global economy) start to make real sense. And it’s only when everything makes sense, that we can decide what to do next for the sake of democracy.
Language Chess – “Support Our Troops”
We will never fix our politics until we communicate with extreme clarity and precision and start calling things by their real names and stop being afraid. For instance, do you support our troops? You do? You support the troops but you do not support the war? Wait, what kind of absurd logic is that? If you do not support a war, do not support the people who enlist to fight it. Do not support the people who do not lay down their arms and refuse to fight. Do not be intimidated by the capitalist media and the two liberal parties into adopting such a slogan. To accept this slogan is to confound your own mind and weaken your resolve in ways that are imperceptible at the time. To accept this slogan is to continue to vote for financing of the war year after year after year. That the neoliberals convinced everyone to accept that slogan was the nail in the coffin for the Anti-Iraq War Movement.
But most progressives and libertarians are using the faulty language proffered by the people they disagree with to characterize or describe what they believe to be the truth. But without having a clearly different language from their opponents, their speech sounds like more hum drum political rhetoric. The faulty language infecting their own has left gaps in their own political philosophy and audiences who are starving for truth listen but know that some things are still not adding up. Because they can’t shake that feeling, some are inclined to believe that a hidden cabal of blue blood reptilians living near the earth’s core is to blame for it all. But it is not so.
Decoder Rings For Everyone
- democracy = socialism
- majority population’s choice = socialist choice.
- freedom = unrestrained free market capitalism (try doing a mental search and replace whenever you hear a mainstream politician use the word “freedom”)
It's not just the other guy. We are all brainwashed. One cannot help but pick up the pro capitalistic language and subsequently the belief system because that language permeates our media and our culture so thoroughly. This fact is evident in our everyday language. We hear frustrated people proclaim “the majority of people are idiots.” It may very well be unconscious, but these sorts of rogue phages persist and spread. We hear people say "the rich contribute more to society” or that "the rich create jobs." They are without even realizing it, speaking in the language of capitalism. It’s a simple language that says every human life must have an economic value or else it has none. This type of language reinforces the ideology of capitalism and necessarily destroys the ideology of democracy. It's also inherently anti-Christian but I digress.
When regular people use the anti democratic language of capitalism, they do so because they don't know any better. They've just bought into the rhetoric even though their purchase will yield them nothing.
Racism and wedge issues are used to scare the disenfranchised whites into forsaking democratic principles. If some of the people voting are not us but "them" and "they" are growing in number, then we must not only vote for the politician who says he's against "them" but we won't even care if he steels an election to do it. Winning is more important than upholding the virtues of democracy. For politicians and capitalists, immigration is not only a source of cheap labor, it's a tool to help weaken democracy by inciting fear and hatred of the "other."
The left and right are good cop / bad copping us all into the destruction of democracy. Democracy is the enemy of capitalism. Freedom (unrestrained capitalism) does not want to have to answer to whiney people complaining about pollution, wages, safety conditions, or any such thing. Wedge issues (racial justice, LGBT rights, abortion, Islam and religion in general, taxes) are never going to go away. They need the wedge issues so they can point to differences between thet wo. These wedge issues are mostly a fraud. Neoliberals don't care about abortion and they don't care about who marries who. But they will use these issues to drive a wedge between segments of the population. But your rights will go away. Bit by bit the pillars of democracy will fall and will be handed over to the capitalists.
If a zebra carcass represents a market, then all the big cats are going to devour the prime parts and the scraps will be left for average people. The only route available for most of us to become a big cat is to be an early pioneer in a new or emerging market (to be in on a fresh zebra kill). Otherwise, unless you hit the lottery or have amazing athletic abilities or amazing looks and can sing and dance or act... you have virtually no hope of becoming a big cat and neither do your children or their children.
There is no illuminati. It's just a bunch of anti-social personality types who think they're better than everyone else by virtue of their position in the world (regardless of how easy getting there was for them thanks to nepotism, cronyism, silver spoons, etc). And what they want is not for the will of the people to be expressed. They want for the will of the $ to be expressed.
$1 == 1 vote. YES
1 individual == 1 vote. NO.
Unrestrained Capitalism can work anywhere there is little or no democracy. And it's working better and better in the United States of America. And capitalism works best for the wealthy and the privileged and the well connected. It doesn't work well if you're at the bottom and lack friends and relatives in high places. It doesn’t work well if you have to depend on public education.
I used to be a fan of public education and it used to be quite good. Unfortunately today a public school education is a sentence upon your child to a lifetime of mediocrity. They control the vertical and the horizontal and your kids future. In an ideal world parents in a neighborhood would pool resources and hire their own private teachers who would grow to know the children they taught on a personal level because they would be teaching them from K thru 8. The teachers would be part of your family. Little House on the Prairie fantasy? Perhaps. But parents who are concerned about their children's well being and future success need to find altneratives to the public school system if at all possible.
Unrestrained free market capitalism will put an end to the tyranny of democracy and instead promise a one world government where wealth, not race or religion or creed is all that matters. The individuals’ votes in elections are irrelevant.
As citizens, we need to do more to promote the virtues of democracy. I believe we can be pro business, pro hard work, pro innovation, without throwing away democracy. Capitalism must be heavily regulated if democracy is to survive. We should have lots of businesses. We should have lots of competition. Limits must be placed upon the publicly held corporations as they are diametrically opposed to democracy and they will always work to undermine it and to corrupt it. Capitalism must be heavily restrained before it destroys democracy completely.
On Campaign Contributions
Political contributions of any kind from any source must be abolished.
Please take your brain off auto-pilot for a moment and stop and think about what a political donation represents no matter how great or small. A political donation is anathema to democracy. It is quite frankly the capitalistic process of electing leaders. It ensures that very few people of integrity run against the scores of those quite willing to whore themselves out. Stop donating to political campaigns.
Citizens United
If corporations cannot independently spend unlimited money to promote or demote political candidates, then at what risk is an entire network like Fox News from being forced to stop political editorializing? It would not even be just Fox News. It would be all political editorializing on public airwaves whether it be Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O’Reilly, Maddow, Olberman, Malloy, etc.
I’m not a legal expert, but this seems to me to be one of the reasons the Supreme Court voted the way it did in the Citizen’s United case. There are two ways to fix it. Go back to the Fairness Doctrine and do not allow networks to have 24/7/365 political editorializing for one party. Mandate each network to have a proportional mix of shows. Rush can still be Rush, but following his show on the same network would be Olberman's show.
The other solution is to ban political editorializing completely. We would accept that “free speech” does not mean buying a network so that only the wealthy can put forward loud mouths to evangelize their political views. Instead they’d be required to use the public’s airwaves to create C-Span style shows where only elected officials and candidates can be interviewed by a non partisan host, and where the public can call in by phone and be granted air time in proportional numbers by political affiliation to voice their concerns and opinions.
Once you realize that our two party system is comprised of liberals and neoliberals who are advancing capitalism and undermining governments around the world (ours included) which do not allow unrestricted free market capitalism, you can start to successfully make predictions about what will happen in the world. Everything will finally make sense. Predicting the future is easy once you understand the nature of the present. For instance, you could have predicted that candidate Obama would not go on to be a progressive President.
Capitalisms War on Democracy
Eat the tasty anti-psychotics the doctor gave you. You will thank me later.
Interesting plot for a game though. ;)
Will you put it in a game?
Will you put it in a game?
Latest project: Sideways Racing on the iPad
No country has ever implemented a real democracy as in "ruled by the people". In the US they don't even bother calling it anything but a replublic.
You have some interesting points, and I agree with the language thing. I think the talking heads (i.e. lobbyists embedded in journalism) that most often spout these half-truths, must largely know what they're doing. But in their minds probably, it is justified because that is how you get influence in this day and age.
I would advise against the view that yesterday was better and it's all going down-hill from here. Like waves on a beach, these changes seem to be more recurring than history reveals. Once politics has moved to far in one direction, people see the injustices and seek to change it - a new political generation is born. It seems to coincide with the previous generation of "changers" retiring and dying. But as the pendulum swings, most people aboard it will not register the change in direction, before their side has really gained the upper hand.
As for the US/The West, the cause of our current "success" and our current crisis, they only have so many ways to proceed. As they are no longer the only police force in the world, they cannot dictate the international laws and codes of conduct anymore. They either must desperately bomb the shit out of countries to stay in the lead for a few more years, eliminate the opposition completely, or realise that they're not the end of evolution, society- and nation-wise, and work with the change.
That we are really being mentally "terraformed" by telepathic reptiles for the coming harvest, is simply a nice mental image for the uninformed.
You have some interesting points, and I agree with the language thing. I think the talking heads (i.e. lobbyists embedded in journalism) that most often spout these half-truths, must largely know what they're doing. But in their minds probably, it is justified because that is how you get influence in this day and age.
I would advise against the view that yesterday was better and it's all going down-hill from here. Like waves on a beach, these changes seem to be more recurring than history reveals. Once politics has moved to far in one direction, people see the injustices and seek to change it - a new political generation is born. It seems to coincide with the previous generation of "changers" retiring and dying. But as the pendulum swings, most people aboard it will not register the change in direction, before their side has really gained the upper hand.
As for the US/The West, the cause of our current "success" and our current crisis, they only have so many ways to proceed. As they are no longer the only police force in the world, they cannot dictate the international laws and codes of conduct anymore. They either must desperately bomb the shit out of countries to stay in the lead for a few more years, eliminate the opposition completely, or realise that they're not the end of evolution, society- and nation-wise, and work with the change.
That we are really being mentally "terraformed" by telepathic reptiles for the coming harvest, is simply a nice mental image for the uninformed.
It is I, the spectaculous Don Karnage! My bloodthirsty horde is on an intercept course with you. We will be shooting you and looting you in precisely... Ten minutes. Felicitations!
Interesting plot for a game though. ;)
Will you put it in a game?
In a way, yes. For a long time I've been working on a science fiction game. The main gameplay will be that of a tactical combat game similar to starfleet command. 1.0 might just be the game and no story, but eventually I'd like to add a storyline that will examine a lot of socio-economic and political issues. I hope to finish it someday but for now it's just vaporware.
I agree with what you have said but unfortunately the majority have it hard coded in their heads that certain words are evil. For example socialism, communism, and eugenics.
I agree with what you have said but unfortunately the majority have it hard coded in their heads that certain words are evil. For example socialism, communism, and eugenics.
I found that since I started applying the topical cream I got from my doctor, the eczema went away; its only when I scratch it that it comes back.
Don't thank me, thank the moon's gravitation pull! Post in My Journal and help me to not procrastinate!
[quote name='SteveDeFacto' timestamp='1327139377' post='4904793']
I agree with what you have said but unfortunately the majority have it hard coded in their heads that certain words are evil. For example socialism, communism, and eugenics.
I found that since I started applying the topical cream I got from my doctor, the eczema went away; its only when I scratch it that it comes back.
Is that a joke because I didn't get it?...
[quote name='speciesUnknown' timestamp='1327148257' post='4904807']
[quote name='SteveDeFacto' timestamp='1327139377' post='4904793']
I agree with what you have said but unfortunately the majority have it hard coded in their heads that certain words are evil. For example socialism, communism, and eugenics.
I found that since I started applying the topical cream I got from my doctor, the eczema went away; its only when I scratch it that it comes back.
Is that a joke because I didn't get it?...
Its a little known fact that the gulf of mexico does in fact have earthquakes; these can partly be blamed for its unreliable fish migration patterns, as larger, predatory fish are sensitive to changes in pressure of the sea bed.
Don't thank me, thank the moon's gravitation pull! Post in My Journal and help me to not procrastinate!
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