The American internet market is approximately the same size as the entirety of europe's.
And that link just helps my point even further.
Right hand column world % users; 11.6% for US.
That means the rest of the world, you know the people who CANT make a difference, far outweight things. Thus for every one person who might do something 9 others are going to be annoyed and not be able to do a thing.
Clearly if the website's didn't feel the legislation affected their sustainability they wouldn't be protesting. Is your inconvenience for 12 hours more important than the continued sustainability of your favorite websites?
I'm not claiming that SOPA is a good good idea I am however pointing out that from a numbers point of view, and indeed impact on those drafting the bill point of view, these protests are going to do nowt because the larger majority are not impacted.
It would be like the train system in the UK going on strike and thus trains in the US also stopping. Their action serves no purpose other than causing trouble for those who would normally be using it, at least the UK action has some point to it. If they wanted these SOPA protests to be effective then they should have done what SOPA pretty much propsed to do; detect the country of origin and, if from the US, do the whole 'this is bad!' thing.
edit: also wikipedia haven't even bothered doing it properly... if you are going to shut down then shut down, don't just use some javascript to cover up the page which can be bypassed by turning off scripting... well done guys, well done... *slow clap*
edit: Being the second largest internet base in a single country with the largest already enforcing heavy restrictions on the internet, and the next largest being half as large makes any legislation very important to anybody with any interest in the sustainability internet technologies.
Sure, on a country by country base the US is large, but when taken as a world as a whole the other 89% of the world would like to point out we can't do a damned thing and this simply acts as 24h when various things can't be done while we wait for the world to come back to normal.