d000hg, you are actually explaining my points :-)
My first point is that John Carmack (like steve job) was popular because he was born at a time people can become popular (a time of heroes). If he was born now (when company prefer to put company name first, individuals last) - he would be like the creator of C. Died and nobody know much. Trust me, companies doesn't want their stock to dive when someone instrumental (create a lot of patent for the company, for example) died. The time for one heroes for one company has died - only replaceable CEO nowdays.
I doesn't know what you mean by out-Feynmans, but he has a knack for saying certain things regarding religions, and gods. And you know what happens when this kind of thing clashed. John Carmack, on the other hand, AFAIK, know how to handle things wisely, politically, and up to fact - no matter if it was a land mine topic (DX vs OGL, PC vs console, open source vs closed source), software patent, etc. I once saw his interview/speech at the release of RAGE, and he, well, just different. I saw a lot of videos of genius, smart, etc (TED, youtube, etc) and Carmack, IMHO, is just different.
Regarding the mp3 player - that also my point. He is not outliers. Everybody can do it, and has been doing it (on and off), they just, well, i don't know what wrong, but things just not unlike how steve jobs did it. even tablet are not as popular as when steve job actually did it. If he outliers, he was born at a time he have the best access to do things, and other people just don't. My point is, he was born at a time everybody else CAN do it, and have the same resources to do it, just DIDN'T. I mean, we all know where PIXAR came from, right? That the thing about SJ, even though everybody can do it, it seems that he is the one that did it.