
Hello Everyone

Started by December 24, 2011 06:11 PM
1 comment, last by Krohm 12 years, 8 months ago
I've been registered to for awhile, but I have never made any posts. Figured I would drop and finally say high to everyone. Where am I currently at with my programming? Not very far lol.

I am currently enrolled at my community college and taking some classes. For my class right now I am useing Simple Program Design A Step-by-Step Approach fifth edition. Its pretty good for getting everything set up for before you even start coding.

I just started working on the game from scratch using SMFL and finnaly got SMFL to work with my ATI card so I am excited about that. Been reading a lot of different beginner C++ books. I know they say not to start out with C++ but of all the languages the rest seem rather odd. I think I am just having a hard time grasping Object oriented programming and the use of classes. If anyone knew of any good books or tutorials dedicated to those two things I'd be more then happy to give them a read to see if they help.

Nice to meet all of you.
Well, since no one else has replied, welcome from another long time site lurker who recently decided to be active. I started with C++ as well, though I never had much trouble with those concepts. So I'm don't really know any particularly good books/tutorials on them, as I never had to seek any out.
Hello Akando. Please drop the use of "ATI", thanks god the "ATI" trademark is no more. To some if not most people, "ATI" is synonymous with countless bugs, quirky silicon and other issues which are bound to the trademark forever. Of course some people thought they were best - I was NOT one of them. Now it's just AMD graphics... and I think we all have to be grateful for that!

Welcome Fractur.

Best wishes for the next year.

Previously "Krohm"

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