

Started by December 05, 2011 05:17 PM
0 comments, last by WitchLord 13 years, 2 months ago
Revisions 1058-1072.
asEP_ALWAYS_IMPL_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCT in false give this crash:

_memcpy + 296
public: virtual void __thiscall asCScriptEngine::CopyScriptObject(void *,void *,int) + 120
protected: void __thiscall CScriptArray::SetValue(unsigned int,void *) + 68
public: void __thiscall CScriptArray::InsertAt(unsigned int,void *) + 66
public: void __thiscall CScriptArray::InsertLast(void *) + 18
void __cdecl CallThisCallFunction(void const *,unsigned long const *,int,unsigned int) + 35
unsigned __int64 __cdecl CallSystemFunctionNative(class asCContext *,class asCScriptFunction *,void *,unsigned long *,void *,unsigned __int64 &) + 643
int __cdecl CallSystemFunction(int,class asCContext *,void *) + 228
public: void __thiscall asCContext::ExecuteNext(void) + 2336
public: virtual int __thiscall asCContext::Execute(void) + 456
Thanks. This should be fixed now in revision 1073. - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
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