
Example non-diclosure agreement for movie/book franchise to game?

Started by November 26, 2011 03:03 PM
5 comments, last by MarcPope 13 years, 3 months ago
Hi all, first of all, it's nice to be a part of the community. This is a difficult topic because it is secretive by the very nature of what it relates to.

My own role is a sound designer and composer but I am studying media law as part of my course whereby a the hypothetical question posed to me was..................

Youare part of a team employed by an independent game development company. As suchyou have signed a “Work for hire” contract and a non-disclosure agreement withthem. Your team’s latest task is to develop a game based on the latest James Bond film “Close to the void”.The game will be made available, exclusively, for the Xbox 360 console. The game content will reference the James Bond characterand the plot of the film. In addition the theme song “Nothing” by Adel and Jay-Z will be incorporated into the game. [/quote]

[font="'Times New Roman"]

[font="'Times New Roman"]Your thoughts are appreciated but not required. What I am looking for is an example of a non-disclosure agreement that relates to this type of scenario so that I can read it thoroughly for my research and so that I can untangle the web that surrounds the many other agreements related to such a project. [/font]

Most NDAs are generic. One simply fills in the names of the parties and a name for the subject matter being discussed.
I assume you can get hold of a generic NDA and fill in those specifics.
Or do you need a generic NDA to start with?
BTW, you posted this topic twice. I deleted the other one (the one with the more generic title).

-- Tom Sloper --


Most NDAs are generic. One simply fills in the names of the parties and a name for the subject matter being discussed.
I assume you can get hold of a generic NDA and fill in those specifics.
Or do you need a generic NDA to start with?
BTW, you posted this topic twice. I deleted the other one (the one with the more generic title).

Oops, my computer went offline during the first posting. I didn't think it posted.

My problem is that I want to peer into every crevice and my first thought is this, "how do I approach copyright holders to license their work without breaching an NDA?". Surely there is a clause allowing disclosure to copyright holders or does that go without saying?

my first thought is this, "how do I approach copyright holders to license their work without breaching an NDA?". Surely there is a clause allowing disclosure to copyright holders or does that go without saying?

That's an odd first thought. Saying that, I don't quite understand what you're getting at.
Party A is what exactly?
Party B is what exactly?
The parties A and B are non-disclosed in order to do what again?
How does approaching party C (an IP owner or copyright holder) breach the NDA between A and B?
Surely in order to do whatever, parties A or B are permitted to share information with any potential collaborators or partners.

-- Tom Sloper --

Surely in order to do whatever, parties A or B are permitted to share information with any potential collaborators or partners?

I put a question mark at the end of your sentence for you because the word "surely" prevents it from being a statement, and, you've just repeated my question back to me lol

I've found an answer to this question but I can't post my exact response here because I could be accused of plagiarising were my lecturer to do a google search.

Basically, written permission should be requested from the Discloser, or, there should be a "need to know" clause in the NDA.

This feels uncomfortably close to "helping somebody do his homework," so I'm bowing out of the discussion.

-- Tom Sloper --


This feels uncomfortably close to "helping somebody do his homework," so I'm bowing out of the discussion.

LOL what a cute way to put it. Mate, this is academic research. I have to reference all my sources and I can't reference a forum. This is prodding a cow to see if it moves: if it moves I have to take it the rest of the journey, if it doesn't I leave well enough alone and try another cow ;)

I currently have 6 pages of research to compile and break down into a comprehensive study of media law surrounding the scenario and question posed to me. I understand you're scared to reply for fear of doing it for me so maybe it's wise if you "bow out" as you say ;)

If you think "assuming" an answer to a single question is taking me any great journey, think again.

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