Here is some code:
Camera look() function code
void CCamera::Look(){
// Give openGL our camera position, then camera view, then camera up vector
gluLookAt(m_vPosition.x, m_vPosition.y, m_vPosition.z,
m_vView.x, m_vView.y, m_vView.z,
m_vUpVector.x, m_vUpVector.y, m_vUpVector.z);
#ifndef _PLAYER_H#define _PLAYER_H
#include "Model_3DS.h"
// This class was made to handle models created for player use.
class Player
Model_3DS playerModel;
void LoadPlayer(); //Method to load player mesh
void DrawPlayer(); //Method to draw player mesh
Player(); // Constructor
virtual ~Player();
#include "Player.h"
playerModel.scale = 3.0f;//Scale the model up
playerModel.pos.x = 250.0f;//Set the x position
playerModel.pos.y = 15;//Set the y position
playerModel.pos.z = 400.0f;//Set the z position
void Player::LoadPlayer(){
playerModel.Load("Data/3DS/SecondaryObjects/cow2.3ds"); // Load a 3ds model
void Player::DrawPlayer(){
playerModel.Draw();//Draw tree model
[color="#4B0082"][color="#DDA0DD"]I was thinking that I should call the position of the camera in the player position, but I am not so sure how [color="#DDA0DD"]
[color="#DDA0DD"]If somebody could give me a hand would be great!
Also, if you want to add me on skype so its quicker would be good too ^^: [color="#DDA0DD"]natalieberrystraw is my skype.
Thanks in advance! <3
[color="#9932CC"]Natalie xxx