Doing two things full time at the same time is of course going to cut into hobby time, especially a hobby that is challenging and requires time and significant mental effort. If you don't have time to pursue all three at once, then you'll have to cut back on something. So as I see it, you can scale back some combination of activities and accept a slower pace at all three, or plan out a longer term schedule that includes all three but non-simultaneously.
A couple of possibilities that come to my mind are:
Why not cut back on school now? If you're certain that a lot of your credits aren't going to transfer, then are you really getting much value out of the investment of time, energy, and money you are expending to earn them? I can think of situations where they still might be worth taking, but I can think of far more in which they would not be. If you can be reasonably sure that they will transfer, then the credits are likely worth getting, but if not then you will have little tangible rewards to show for your efforts, especially if earning them gets in the way of other work you'd like to do.
Cutting back on hours at work might be an option, though of course it may not be in your case. If you can work a bit less, cutting out 5-10 hours per week, then you'd gain a non-trivial amount of time to get some of your school or programming stuff done. You could also switch jobs, but if you're time constrained more than anything else I don't know that that would be an improvement on your current situation (unless you hate the new job less, which is hard to predict well). That sounds like your MS certification idea, but a 40 hr/week job is still going to take up 40 hrs/week.
You could also accept a longer timetable for completing your programming projects (it sounds like this is where you've landed now). If you can't eke more time out of your school and work schedules, and can't get it anywhere else, then you truly don't have time to program right now. I'd bet that if you really set a schedule with 2-4 hours per week devoted to coding you could generally fit it in, but it would be strenuous and your games wouldn't advance very quickly.
There are other ways that you can adjust the demands on your time to allow you to focus on whichever things you find most important, but I don't think that having it all right now is necessarily feasible, evidenced by the trouble you're already having. You might find that splitting yourself three ways for an extended period of time leaves you with subpar results in any or all of them, and I doubt that you would be more pleased with that outcome than your current situation.
And for what it's worth, I get the impression that you have other relevant factors than just time to your situation. But my guessing about that kind of thing probably won't be very helpful, so I'll just say that a lack of time may not be your biggest operative obstacle, and if it isn't then some new options may become apparent.
Actually I do have another problem that makes it much worse. It is really hard for me to sleep a full 8 hours. I normally wake up repeatedly and trying to stick to a strict schedule makes my life miserable because I'm always tired. In my free time I don't have the energy to think about complex stuff.