Most or all action games only become more challenging by speeding up game play or number of enemies.
With the Tron light cycle game the challenge increases with speed.
We want the challenge to increase along with the computers strategic progression.
Possible help in this area:
A technology which stores huge numbers of games and their outcomes along with quick search of the games data streams.
A technology which is able to quickly identify a current game and generate a list of similar games.
Ability to improvise another game into this one by handling the interpolation, transposition and scaling of different games.
This is an implementation of my variation of the cortical algorithm PDF psuedocode:
More vids:
The problems with seeing games at various scales, knowing which games the current game is like with low processing power are very well handled by this.
There are additional hurdles and I believe we are at a point where they can be overcome.
If you are not excited about math you will like this new biological based emergent algorithm very much.
It offers ways to have improvised motor output and lots more.
How is this received so far? With an open mind, objections etc??