may i request you to keep a roadmap weboage on angelscript homepage( )
the goals link ( ) there is different from upcoming/wishlist features , which will be a list of user's approved requests by you.
may be version number and feature can be given, but **no timeline** of the version number, if you can't promise so.
for example: This will atleast keep users interested by having an opinion that "though this language has no feature X, but may be developer is interested, so i can start integration of my classes today, so that whenever that feature comes i will be ready." OR he may have an alternative opinion that "Though this language has no feature X, and this is essential for me, hence i should look for some other scripting language".
As in this thread in 2009 , you had said that namespace is on you todo list.
MOST IMPORTANTLY: by having this roadmap web page , If somebody needs a feature X which is already is in your approved roadmap(todo list), then he may financially contribute you/angelscript so that you can implement that feature 'early;.
Here is a sample roadmap like:
in roadmap These features may be in core or as an addon
namespace (version 3.1)
exception (Version 2.9)
autoboxing (version 2.9)
closure (version 2.7)
Not in roadmap:
multiple inheritance