
Finished NeHe tut's, where to now?

Started by September 23, 2001 06:19 PM
9 comments, last by Sheep 23 years, 5 months ago
hello everyone. I have recently finished reading Nehe''s tutorials and wrote some demo''s myself after about a month, and I was wondering where I should go now? Should I go ahead and attempt to write an engine? Or am I biting off more than I can chew? Should read any books, and if so, could you maybe recommend one? thanks... __SHEEP
Depending on the complexity of the engine you want to create, I''d suggest looking into ways of organising your scene in a hierachical manner: stuff like octrees, quadtrees, BSP etc

Organising your scene like this will help speed up visibility determination, collision detection, and most other things that involve checking the positions of things in the scene against one another. Oh yeah, look at Frustum Culling too.

A good place to start is to convert the nehe terrain tutorial to use a quadtree to hold the terrain data. This (should) allow you to have huge terrains at decent framerates, especially if used in conjunction with display lists or vertex arrays.

Gamedev has loads of good excellent articles on all of the above.

you have reached the difficult bit! good luck!

Cool. I always wondered what the BSP and octree stuff was... I''ll look into that. Also, any links would be helpful. Thanks
In the OpenGL forum, theres a post called "Another openGL book?"

You should post a few things you would like to learn about, because they may come out in that book.
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
I looked around on gamedev for articles on BSP''s/Octrees/Quadtree''s and I was wondering which one I should use. Quadtrees seem the easiest, but it could just be me. Thanks
You should also check out the Game Programming Tutorials on NeHe''s site.... I''ve heard they''re really good.

Trent (ShiningKnight)
E-mail me
ShiningKnight Games
Me to...he he.....They are infact really good!!

When are you expecting the next to come?
Keep up the good work!

Take Care!

- -- ---[XaOs]--- -- -

[ project fy ]

- -- ---[XaOs]--- -- -[ Project fy ||| CyberTux ]
Probably depends on Jeff to get the html stuff done.



"If you try and don''t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried."

the NeHe Tutorials were written to give the reader''s an idea of the OpenGL API. If you start with 3D Coding it will a good aid, but you will not learn any 3d techniques, according to 3d shooter engines. If you want to create a 3D Engine, as it was said above, you have to read some articles about bsp/octrees/span sorting etc. Even if you understood all tutorials, you will not be able to write the Quake 4 Engine , so don''t get megalomaniacally...

In response to the questions about when the next tut is coming... Well... It *IS* coming, but I am in the middle of many things which combined are really not good for time.

As far as the next tut goes, its a camera tutorial, the code is done, but I always like to have the code for the tutorial after that done before I write it (so if I had the code done for #8, I want to get the code done for #9, before I write the doc for #8). And the code for tutorial #9 is somewhat of a pain in the butt! But, in case you''re interesting, I''m doing a dual-terrain algorithm implementation. I''m doing an implementation for ROAM, and an implementatino for geomipmapping! Then I''m writing a tutorial on both of them! So, it should be worth the wait.

Trent (ShiningKnight)
E-mail me
ShiningKnight Games

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