
XNA and Windows 8

Started by September 27, 2011 08:37 AM
51 comments, last by shurcool 12 years, 9 months ago
Due to 10+ years of people writing 'M$' to bash them I now automatically stop reading as soon as I see someone type it as I assume they are being childish and thus aren't worth listening to/reading any more.

10+ years of a known meaning in a technical field and the site context trumps your 'waaaah my poor brain can't deal with doing something different in a different context'.

MS is the accepted contraction; deal with it.

Due to 10+ years of people writing 'M to bash them I now automatically stop reading as soon as I see someone type it as I assume they are being childish and thus aren't worth listening to/reading any more.

10+ years of a known meaning in a technical field and the site context trumps your 'waaaah my poor brain can't deal with doing something different in a different context'.

MS is the accepted contraction; deal with it.

Due to 100+ years of black people being subservient and looked at as less than human many stopped taking anybody with dark skin seriously as they assumed they were not worth their time.

100+ years of known social status in every day life trumps your "waaah my poor brain just wants to be considered as human with equal rights to all other humans as granted by the constitution."

Slavery is the accepted social structure; deal with it.
No, no, no. You've forgotten the rules. When you've run out of arguments, you are supposed to compare your opponent to Hitler.

This should really be in the lounge FAQ by now.
Seriously? You want to compare SLAVERY to your brain not being able to deal with context or accpeted and established meanings? REALLY?

If you think that's a good comparison then I can see why you can't deal with it as your brain is clearly defective... I'd see about getting that checked if I was you....

Seriously? You want to compare SLAVERY to your brain not being able to deal with context or accpeted and established meanings? REALLY?

If you think that's a good comparison then I can see why you can't deal with it as your brain is clearly defective... I'd see about getting that checked if I was you....

It has nothing to do with that. I just used an acronym I associate with a company and you're getting into a hissy fit about it because you're seeing implications I wasn't making.
I am? Huh... this is news to me...

Still, doesn't matter to me really... I find your "justification" amusing, your comparsion to be utterly stupid and apprently I'm not alone in this.

At least you know now how you'll be viewed by a large number of people due to your inability to adapt, so I guess you've learnt something while I've been amused :)

I am? Huh... this is news to me...

Still, doesn't matter to me really... I find your "justification" amusing, your comparsion to be utterly stupid and apprently I'm not alone in this.

At least you know now how you'll be viewed by a large number of people due to your inability to adapt, so I guess you've learnt something while I've been amused :)

When did I say I wouldn't adapt? I did it in two posts before you attacked me and then posted an explanation saying that I wasn't implying anything close to what you accused me of. If I had known upon seeing a dollar sign everyone would jump out of their seats, take of their underwear and start tying knots in them I wouldn't have done it in the first place, but I didn't expect adults to be so sensitive. I'm sorry, in the future I'll be sure to double check all my acronym usage with you to make sure I don't offend anyone.

I didn't expect adults to be so sensitive.

Really? You're going to use something as childish as "M$", and then try to pull a line like that?


Is it really that hard to use and have us understand meaning based on context, or do you think someone might be confused because you're going on about some personnel of the Royal Canadian Navy?
Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.
I've not seen any evidence that MS have _lost sales_ as a result of the IPads?[/quote]
see the latest worldwide PC shipment figures, they actually declined.
MS OSs are 99+% bundled thus any reduction in the number of PCs shipped == less sales for them.

though this is not completely due to ipad, theres also smartphones which are taking some of the use of a PC for amore than a few ppl

Really? You're going to use something as childish as "M{:content:}quot;, and then try to pull a line like that?


Is it really that hard to use and have us understand meaning based on context, or do you think someone might be confused because you're going on about some personnel of the Royal Canadian Navy?

I only typed M$ because it's what my fingers are used to. Believe it or not I converse on non-tech forums where M$ is more direct and less ambiguous. Seriously you are acting as though I came in here and just started dropping racial slurs for a fucking dollar sign. It's not like I came in and just ranted about how Microsoft is a greedy money hungry company. If I did that I might understand the outlash, but I used a dollar sign in 2 generally pro microsoft posts and you're letting that completely blind you.

You don't come in and politely say, "Hey. Just so you know some people might not take the acronym 'M well here. You may want to not use it." I was immediately jumped on and made fun of; by a moderator no less. All because people can't see past the fact that not everybody immediately jumps to the same biases. If I have no reason to believe it's insulting and use it in a non-insulting manor is it really that fair to 1. not read anything in the post so you could see that my post was not insulting and 2. to jump immediately to deriding me rather than correcting me?

edit: I correct myself. I only used it in one post before I was derided.

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