
Name for MMORPG

Started by September 26, 2011 02:52 PM
18 comments, last by Ronnie Mado Solbakken 12 years, 8 months ago

"This World Ain't Big Enough," or "Plowshares To Swords." Hopefully one of those will work or at least give you some ideas.

Hey "the world aint big enough" is really good. Mind if i use it?
Meh Entertainment.
Twitter: @MehTeam
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Finding a good name is very difficult, but talking to others about your "untitled <insert genre> project" is a pain. I tackle this by assigning a codename until I have a proper name. This also gives me a lot of time to come up with a proper name I like. A friend of mine had a favourite saying that amounted to: "If you design the packaging before the project has started, the project will never be completed."
[size="2"]Currently working on an open world survival RPG - For info check out my Development blog:[size="2"] ByteWrangler
what about "Lumberjacking stories: let's cut that wood"... :D
Electronic, Hard House, Film Music

88 preview tracks to listen to online + artist forums

And my projects Vanethian, and X-tivity Factor
How about "Choppers"?
How about "Yet Another MMORPG"?

"I don't have a story" doesn't mean "I don't have a game". [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]

Also, I've written

[/font]exactly[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif]

what the game is about.

The main problem is that you don't have a setting. A setting is something that makes the events happening in the game logical. Who are those people that are trying to defeat each other, for example? If they are villagers of rivaling villages, then you can call the game "Village Wars", or if these people are knights of arthurian legends competing for the holy grail you can call the game "The Grail". Battlefield series gets its name from being set on a battlefield. You could describe it as "32/32 match between two sides of players each of which can choose a profession and a weapon" (somehow this description sounds very familiar) which basically says that this is a team deathmatch type of game and not much else about the game itself.

The Battle for the Camps
Unhappy Campers.

I understand it's a simple game, but surely there must be a little more to it than "people are in camps and can pick jobs and are fighting", at least if you plan to release this to the public. If not, well you don't really need to worry about the name.

If there is more to it, share that with us and I'm sure you'll get some better answers =D
Fief Grabbers
Sounds a bit like "Fat Princess", ...which I believe got its name because the developers didn't know what to call it, so always referred to it as, "that Game with the fat princesses".

What have you guys been calling it?
What's the setting?

..Campground Pound?
Plowswords. smile.png

- Awl you're base are belong me! -

- I don't know, I'm just a noob -

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