I recently got "Beginning OpenGL Game Programming 2nd edition" by Luke Bernstead.
The first thing i have been doing is doing is reading through and compiling / running the projects.
When I get to the first one with a fragment shader (Chapter 6) however, it bombs out. After some debugging, I've narrowed it down to the fragment shader.
this is the supplied shader:
#version 130
in vec4 color;
out vec4 outColor;
void main(void) {
outColor = color;
I tried changing the shader to something like this, which allows the program to run but everything is rendered black:
void main()
gl_FragColor = gl_Color;
[as far as I can tell this is deprecated anyway]
I also mentioned the vert shader works; here it is:
#version 130
uniform mat4 projection_matrix;
uniform mat4 modelview_matrix;
in vec3 a_Vertex;
in vec3 a_Color;
out vec4 color;
void main(void)
vec4 pos = modelview_matrix * vec4(a_Vertex, 1.0);
gl_Position = projection_matrix * pos;
color = vec4(a_Color, 1.0);
When I investigate what glGetShaderInfoLog says, all i get is:
- Fragment Shader Fai[/quote]
useful, huh?
Unfortunately, I'm new to this whole thing and after a lot of searching on-line I'm still at an impasse. I hoping by posting here someone would be able to help me.
Oh yeah, my laptop's graphics card is: ATI Radeon HD 4500 series. I ran GPUCapsViewer; which told me that the card is fully shader version 1.3 compatible.
Any help appreciated, am i doing something wrong?!