
sweet on the idea,

Started by September 05, 2011 01:24 PM
5 comments, last by Tom Sloper 13 years ago
I am suggesting that if you know would to shell code then maybe a game could be make with a small account some shell coding and some HTML. The HTML would be your game's view port.
General Studies A.S - College of Southern Nevada 2003 GPA 2.3
Agree completely in the absence of daffodils. Make haste and be thorough!
Polite greeting.

Respectful disagreement of the subject at hand.
Generic discussion of the subject.
Condescending rebuttal.

Sympathetic regards.
I am suggesting that if you know would to inscrutable topic off, then maybe a post could be put lounge in. The lounge would be your post's view port.

-- Tom Sloper --

Shells are too fragile and often oddly shaped, but I had a good experience coding with rocks.
Rocks? Brightness that is Ruby I heard people expressed interest in love. Variables absence in HTML.

Rocks? Brightness that is Ruby I heard people expressed interest in love. Variables absence in HTML.

Ruby? Programming on rails. I rail against rails. Blaze your own trail, I say!

-- Tom Sloper --

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