My name is Michael T Pitre. I am novice game designer.
I have been planning the first person rpg game out for bit and came up with this idea. Toyz: A game for all ages (Kids to adults) which is loosely based on the ISPY books
photographs and puzzles by Walter Wick (Link here I SPYBOOK). The premise of the game is that you need to relive the "Great Vermin Wars" in the toy planet called "Blokz" in order to complete your school history report.
This is a stable RPG game with a slightly different class and profession system. ( I tailored to the lore of the game.) I included this in the game design document alongside with all the features and elements needed to make this game.
I am going to use a game development tool called: Platinum Arts Sandbox alongside its cube scripting system and a bit of c++ (Been doing some tutorials but no where near I have to be do this.)
I am still planning out Level Design and also refining the various systems within the game, but I do think it is coming along nicely in the game design doc.
I am also an artist . I have been doing some character sketches and GUI sketches on paper. Also gameplay sketches.
[size="4"](Main Question)
My only problems so far is the Skill system. You see what I am trying to do is designate a certain amount of skill gain based on class preference. For example, the tank classes in
my game are mostly hybrid of tank and a bit of spell caster but the problem arises when trying to balance how much skill or abilities one class gets over the other. 1 out of 3 tanks
classes can't use as much as spells as others classes but have a greater combat ability gain than other class. So far in the level ranges 8-30 that tank that is dependent on
combat abilities has a overflow of abilities needed. (More work load and balancing issues on me) The Combat ability tank (IE Bronze Custodian) gets a range of 4-5 combat
abilities every 3 levels(Depending on Level). (Max level in game is 50). In doing so he doesn't get as much spells per level but he stills gets spells. My question is, can my
classes including the tank classes do better without all these abilities and just on a few a abilities per 5 levels or stick to a few spells and abilities per level? My main concern is
if I start the player with only a few abilities, that will take away from the the player understanding his class functions within the few levels. (I am afraid that regular attacks will be
the battle system IE auto attack and not the specialized abilties element I wanted to include in the game.)
Thank you in advance.