

Started by July 26, 2011 06:20 PM
31 comments, last by TheCompBoy 13 years, 1 month ago
I don't know why I'm trying to salvage this thread, but oh well:

A recent article may be somewhat pertinent to the, uh, "topic." Basically it is Carmack defending FPS games being accused of lacking creativity by (in his opinion) many indie game developers.
On the subject, BASEBALL SUX. They spend hours not even hitting the damn ball.
On the subject, NASCAR SUX. They spend hours not even crashing fatally.
And don't forget, nothing sucks like a VAX.

Rate down is still there for me

It's locked for us proles.
I guess it's a privilege reserved for members with a blue animal as an avatar, 'cause it still there for me too.

Also I like to use this opportunity to say that the NEW SMILEYS SUCK, we should go back to the old ones.
Pretty simple: the ability to rate down is based on the reputation value. I can downrate too so fear The Clipped Cow! Dunno the minimal value though...
Personally I'm a FPS type of person, but I must admit, I feel somewhat "meh" about many FPS titles out there.

Generally I'm into STALKER type FPS games, which has a good mix of gun battles, exploration and looting.
Latest project: Sideways Racing on the iPad
Naming every mediocre franchise since a few years ago and expanding that to the entire franchise is always a good idea, so mad props to that.

On a less sarcastic note, if you don't like those particular titles, try something older (Unreal, HL, System Shock, Serious Sam, etc) or just plain other recent titles or genre amalgams like Mass Effect 1 & 2, Deus Ex, Bioshock 1 & 2, Quake 4 (way better than you'd expect) or even Fallout 3. If you want a classic FPS experience, play a classic FPS game. If you've played all of the above, you might consider jumping genres for a change or enjoying the wonderful summer outside for a breather.

Or do some challenge runs, eg: ever beat Quake 1 on nightmare and died fewer than X times (I did it with 60 deaths, all but one in the last chapter) or tried System Shock 2 on modded impossible difficulty with a friend?

A genre itself, most definitely, doesn't suck nearly as much as a pretty sizable number of the games that belong to it. Then again, sadly this applies to every genre.
FPS Games suck? But if they don't have decent FPS we all get lag![size="1"] *Picture not related
I'm that imaginary number in the parabola of life.
Ahhhh, sorry for the troll topic :P. Lesson learned: Don't leave gamedev open when my cousins are around.

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