Telgin, thanks for chiming in. I did a little reading on Dead Space's "strategic dismemberment", and it does follow along the same lines of being able to target and damage certain body parts, with specific consequence. The unique twist is Necromorphs adopting new stances and tactics, even sprouting new limbs or giving birth to new enemies after damage.
After reviewing several Mortal Kombat 9's
X-Ray Attack vids, I've come up with an idea that could possibly use a
Fracture system on creatures that consist of multiple mesh layers {exterior/muscle, bone, and organs} to achieve randomized GHOUL-like fragmentation for each layer. I call the process
Frag-memberment, hehe.
I would prefer to Fracture the mesh layers in real-time on demand only effecting the area of impact. So to pull it off I would have to use every graphical optimization trick (geometry occlusion, geometry swapping/LOD, normal maps, shaders) in the book. I also have to take in consideration for modular/layer entity construction, animation, and physics (rag-dolls).
I can easily visualize using
CSG operations with more complex shapes to achieve Frag-memberment. CSG Boolean Union operation could be used to add shapes to mesh layers. This could be useful for Tumors, protruding shards, etc.