I am wanting to further my knowledge in using programs to get Web content.
So the program I am making will download the game list here: Caiman.
Basically the Program will be like an app that will show the available list of Mario games from that site.
Then upon clicking on them it will show the details in the English page ex: Mario DOS
Last of all on the detail page the user can click download and the program will download the game.
After downloading the "Download" button will change "downloading" then to "Play"
Again all this is so I can get more experience with:
using LibCurl to download HTML and Images
coding GUI elements
writing Interpreters that are efficient
Now the main concern, the GUI.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how the GUI should look?I would like it to not just be flat but also incorporate 3d elements.
What I mean by this is it will not look like a flat VB form, but more like either a Xbox 360 interface, Android, or IOS interface.
Suggestions would be much appreciated!
(I guess you can be either an artist or a coder, but not both)