
New Studio - Ambitious Game

Started by July 23, 2011 12:44 AM
-1 comments, last by Greenshann 13 years, 6 months ago
[font=Helvetica][size=2]Hello gaming community,[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]We at Little Touches Interactive are a newlymerged game development studio out of Sydney Australia.[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]We have a few titles in the writing phase rightnow, but one we'd like to outline for you is our Mafia MMORPG title. We loveMMORPG's however we feel the space has allot of room to grow, particularly inthe west. Themes removed from wizards, spells and fantasy and relocated in realworld situations and narratives are what we hope to develop. We feel RPGelements and an MMO community can absolutely work in a living city environmentfilled with authentic mob characters all co-operating to work in the bestinterest of their "family".[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]We posse the question: Why do MMORPGs have toexist only in the fantasy realm?[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]We have listed below two recent posts we wrote asa kind of outline/ survey to gather some feedback from the community regardingour working title. Granted, this is a somewhat grand vision which we aretossing about, but we hope it may at least provide some interest and hopefullyfeedback.[/font]


[font=Helvetica][size=2]World of Mafia Craft? Part I:[/font]


[font=Helvetica][size=2]World of Mafia Craft? Part 2:[/font]


[font=Helvetica][size=2]PLEASE NOTE - due to the scale of such a project,the team is also working on an RTS version.[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]We at Little Touches Interactive would reallyappreciate feedback, ideas or condemnation from this back bone of the gaming/developer community. It'd mean allot to the team.[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]Kind regards[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]Shannon Green[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]Little Touches Interactive[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]Website coming soon.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]A MAFIA MMORPG[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]Has there really ever been a Mafia themed gamethat captures what its like to work, day to day in a crime family? Sure therewas Mafia 1 and 2 and they presented an open world environment with a narrativedepicting mob life but it never really touched on the day to day operations northe ultimate ambition of any mobster, to climb the ladder and one day run thefamily. There was also the real time strategy PC release called Gangsters whichsomewhat detailed the day to day running of a Cosa Nostra Family but still, itwasn’t authentic in its delivery or tone.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]To me, the gaming industry has missed the boatattempting to capture what Hollywood has so successfully captured time and timeagain. That being, what is it like to go from lowly criminal to the head of afamily and all the drama and steps in between. Its failed to answer theinteractive question of what is a mob associates role in the family, how muchdo I need to kick up to the boss each month and how hard is it to achieve thismonth to month? How does a Mafiosi shield his criminal activity from theauthorities ever watchful eyes and what’s mob protocol when your in the can?How does life change when you become a made man and what’s inter familypolitics like regarding family disputes? What types of businesses can awise guy operate and how do you manage manpower across your many rackets? Orwhat do you do when you best guy (possibly a blood relation) is found to betalking to the FEDS?[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]These are the types of gaming situations gamerswant to experience…..[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]Here are our ideas.[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]“THIS THING OF OURS”[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]This ultimate Mafia game is an MMO experience(could possibly be scaled back to an RPG but many of the elements work betterwith real people playing various characters). The map is set in 1960’s, openworld, fully recreated, block by block NYC with all the mood and authenticitythat the era demands including all the five boroughs. (the city and NPC’s wouldbe on bluray disc as opposed to servers)[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]All of the characters (wiseguys) in the game willbe manned by actual gamers, allowing for dynamic and spontaneousreactions and varied responses to any situation. The only non-playablecharacters will be police, FBI and civilians (some of the civilians will alsobe involved in crimes which players will be able to take advantage of).[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Each player will begin the game by creating acharacter, complete with personal traits, physical traits, strengths andweaknesses (if you have been invited to the game buy a friend – thisfriend can choose to “vouch” for you, you can also choose to be a bloodrelative which, if said friend is already a “member”, will improve your chancesof being accepted into a family – more later). Its also important here tochoose your ethnicity, however its important to remember only men of Italiandescent are allowed to become full members (made man) howeverplaying the game as another race will have benefits as these players will notbe limited or restricted by mafia law (more on that later). In this creationprocess, players will also be asked to select a birthplace on the map. This isa crucial decision because this will ultimately determine which family you canjoin. For example, players “raised” in Brooklyn will not be able to join afamily from Manhattan likewise players raised in Jersey will be restricted fromjoining a family operating out of Brooklyn ect. Player will need to keep thisin mind for each district has geographic advantages and disadvantages linked tospecific industries and rackets your character will be able to utilize (more onthis later).[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Once you have finished your creation process youare spawned into your neighborhood as a low level street guy, with little to noconnection to the mob family operating in your community (unless you have beenvouched for by a friend already playing). Your only possession will be a safehouse/ apartment and the cloths on your back. You are now free to travel theentire map and do as you please, but remember there is a code of conduct, rulesand punishment for characters who think they can now cause chaos……[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]HONOUR AMONGST THIEVES[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]As mentioned above there is a definitive code ofconduct for made men to follow, certain rules that must be followed so that theorganization continues to operate and make money for all the members. Much thesame, the game itself requires players to act accordingly or face theconsequences. This applies to all players be they made men or street guys. Sureyou can roll up to a capo in a rival or friendly family and shoot him dead forthe fun of it, BUT this will be considered an unsanctioned hit and YOU will nowhave a hit out on you. Or you may think it fun to hook up with a bunch offriends and go on a killing spree across the city, in both cases you willattract unwelcomed attention from both mobsters and police (even FBI if yousurvive long enough). Remember, the point of the game is to make money and gainrespect amongst fellow wiseguys to rise through the ranks.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]WISEGUY CODE OF CONDUCT[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]In order to be invited into a Mafia family andbecome a member one must perform a series of tasks, such as committing murderfor the family and not for one’s own personal benefit. When the boss decides tolet a member into the family the player will take part of a ceremony, involvingthe drawing of blood, swearing an oath over a gun or holy picture, and obeyingthe rules of the organization. In New York City, the Mafia created customs andtraditions which the members have to follow. If players breaks any of the rulesthey can be killed by another member of the family and usually the murder iscommitted by the people closest to that person. [/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]These rules apply only to made men and are asfollows:[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]“Omertà”[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] -is the oath or “code of silence”, never talk to the authorities. Remember thereis a prison system in the game, so either keep your mouth shut and do your timeor spill the beans and suffer the consequences.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]“Family secrets”[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] -members are not allowed to talk about family business to non-members. Thismeans no telling newly signed up players about scores, rackets or personalfamily business under any circumstances. Should a tip off need to be relayed amember must pass the information down the chain of command.[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]“Blood for blood”[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] -if a family member is killed (by another member) no one can commit murder (inrevenge) until the boss gives permission. The Capo of the murdered player willneed to speak to the boss of the family who in tern will seek permission fromthe rival family to whack out the player who broke this rule.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]“No fighting among members”[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] -from fistfights to knife fights. This will not be tolerated and may result ineither being whacked or financially punished.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]“Tribute”[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] -every month; member must pay the boss; also giving the boss a cut on any sidedeals – this is mandatory!!! This can also be done buy an associate who isseeking to get on the good side of a family. By paying tribute the Capo or bossyou’ll be considered a “good earner” making it a good business decision forthis family to take care of you.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]“Adultery”[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] – membersare not allowed to commit adultery with another family member’s wife. (not sureif our game needs this – give it some thought as it could open up interestingstory missions)[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]“No facial hair”[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] -members are not allowed to grow a mustaches or beard; I know these seemsstrange but it relates to the old Sicilian Mustache Petes who where done awaywith under the new American model. (so your character will need a shave andsome new cloths)[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]FAMILY STRUCTURE & HIERARCHY[/font]


[font=Helvetica][size=2]Like we have said, this game is ultimately aboutearning money and respect so that one day when the “books are opened up” yourcharacter can get “straightened out” and either run a crew or ultimately run afamily. The American Mafia operates on a strict hierarchical structure. Whilesimilar to its Sicilian origins, the American Mafia’s modern organizationalstructure was created by Salvatore Maranzano in 1931. All inducted members ofthe Mafia are called “made” men. This signifies that they are untouchable inthe criminal underworld and any harm brought to them will be met withretaliation. With the exception of associates, all mobsters are “made” officialmembers of a crime family. The three highest positions make up theadministration.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Below the administration, there are factions eachheaded by a caporegime (Capo), who lead a crew of soldiers andassociates. The capo report to the administration and can be seen as equivalentto “managers” in a crime family. When a boss makes a decision, he rarely issuesorders directly to workers who would carry it out, but instead passesinstructions down through the chain of command. This way, the higher levels ofthe organization are insulated from law enforcement attention if the lowerlevel members who actually commit the crime should be captured or investigated.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]More recently, some families have used two newpositions in the family leadership: The head boss and street boss.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Boss[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] — The boss is thehead of the family, usually reigning as a dictator, sometimes called the Don or“Godfather”. The boss receives a cut of every operation taken on by everyplaying member of his family. Depending on the family, the boss may be chosenby a vote from the Caporegimes of the family. In the event of a tie, theUnderboss must vote.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Street Boss[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] – Thestreet boss deals with the day-to-day operations on a street level and isin direct contact with capos and their crews, while the official or standingboss is only in contact with the upper administration. Also, should the actingboss be imprisoned, the street boss is the in between man and elevated toacting boss.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Underboss[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] —The underboss, usually appointed by the boss, is the second in command of thefamily. The underboss often runs the day-to-day responsibilities of the familyor oversees its most lucrative rackets. They usually get a percentage of thefamily’s income from the bosses cut. The underboss is usually first in line tobecome acting boss if the boss is imprisoned or killed, while also frequentlyseen as a logical successor.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Consigliere[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] —The consigliere is an advisor to the family and sometimes seen as the Boss’s“right-hand man”. They are used as a mediator of disputes, representatives oraides in meetings with other families. In practice the consigliere is normallythe third ranking member of the administration of a family and wastraditionally a senior member familiar with how the organization is run. A Bosswill often appoint someone close to him who they trust as their consigliere.[im not sure how this character will work AI, moderator?][/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Caporegime[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] (Capoor Lieutenant) — A capo regime (also captain or skipper) is in charge of acrew; a group of soldiers who report directly to him. Each crew usuallycontains 10-20 soldiers and many more associates. A capo is appointed by theboss and reports to him or the underboss. A captain gives a percentage of his(and his underlings) earnings to the boss and is also responsible for any tasksassigned, including murder.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Soldier[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] (Soldatoin Italian) — A soldier is a member of the family, and traditionally can onlybe of full Italian background. Once a member is made he is untouchable, meaningpermission from a soldier’s boss must be given before he is murdered. When thebooks are open, meaning that a family is accepting new members, a Capo (orseveral Capos) may recommend an up-and-coming associate to be a new soldier(this is usually linked to how much he earns and how trust worthy he is) .Soldiers are the main workers of the family, usually committing crimes likeassault, murder, extortion, intimidation, etc. In return, they are givenprofitable rackets to run by their superiors and have full access to theirfamily’s connections and power (like labor unions, construction rackets andgambling operations).[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Associate[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] —An associate is not a member of the Mafia, but works for a crime familynone-the-less. An associate can include a wide range of people of any race whowork for the family. This is where prospective mobsters (“connected guys”)start out to prove their worth. Once a crime family is accepting newmembership, the best associates are evaluated and picked to become soldiers(again, based on his earning ability and trust worthiness). An associate canhave a wide range of duties from virtually carrying out the same duties as asoldier to being a simple errand boy, remember these players are free to engagein any criminal activity they wish. They are usually a go-between or sometimesdeal in drugs to keep the heat off the actual members, or they can be peoplethe family does business with (restaurant owners, mechanics, privateinvestigators etc.) In other cases, an associate might be a corrupt labor uniondelegate or businessman. Non-Italians will never go any further than this, althoughmany can wielded extreme power within their respective crime families dependingon their ability to earn for the family just look at Henry Hill fromGoodfellas.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]WHERE DO I FIT IN?[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2][/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]As a new player you will start at a positionlower than associate, lets call this a street guy for lack of a better term. Asa street guy you will want to endear yourself to a local associate or soliderthrough whatever means at your disposal. Ultimately this will involve makingmoney and paying a tribute to the local Capo or more likely being befriended byan associate (possibly someone you know who is already playing the game). Making money as a street guy is a grind, you will need to steal cars, robbanks and businesses, hijack trucks filled with goods or any other manner oflow-level activities, however for every action you take part in your skilllevel will be increased thus making you a specialist in certain fields.[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]After a certain amount of time of paying tributeand “keeping your nose clean” (not causing problems or bringing unwantedattention to yourself), this Capo/ associate may wish to “vouch for you”.Remember, this game enforces rules and codes to prevent and deter new playersfrom running a muck and thus made men are ONLY interested in vouching forplayers who play by the rules. Members will not (for their own good) want tovouch for some nut case serial killer who doesn’t play by the rules, lest theywill be blamed for their actions and pay the price. Being vouched for elevatesyour status from street guy to associate.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Its in the best interest of the new player toplay by the rules (“keeping your nose clean”) if they are going to progress tothe level of an associate. Being an associate opens up many more money makingpossibilities as you will now be able to hang out/ visit the crews “socialclub” thus exposing you to a whole new range of possibilities. Depending onyour pre chosen strengths and weaknesses you will be allowed to take part in awide range of activities, some of which will be new. If for instance you’re atough guy you may be asked to carry out money collection or assaults, if yourskilled in theft you may be asked to rob banks or freight or should you beskilled in mathematical intelligence you could be able to start a bookieoperation. It all depends on the skills you chose at the outset of the game.[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]Later on we will detail the various rackets andcrimes[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]FAMILIES AND DISTRICTS[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2][/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]As previously touched upon, during the charactercreation stage of the game players will need to decide on a birthplace, aneighborhood they “grew up in” so as to determine what family they willultimately work for. Each district has specific rackets only available to thatdistrict, but although families have a definitive borough they operate fromthey all operate across all the five boroughs. Lets examine the five familiesand the five boroughs they operate from and maintain influence in.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]THE FIVE FAMILIES & JERSEY OPERATIONS[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2][/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]The Genovese crime family [/font][font=Helvetica][size=2]—operates mainly in Manhattan (HQ), The Bronx, New Jersey and Brooklyn. But thefamily also maintains influence in Queens and Staten Island.[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]• [/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] 116thStreet Crew — (operates in Upper Manhattan and the Bronx)[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]• [/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] GreenwichVillage Crew — (operates in Greenwich Village)[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]• [/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] Genovesecrime family New Jersey faction — (Jersey only)[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]The Gambino crime family [/font][font=Helvetica][size=2]—operates mainly in Brooklyn (HQ), Queens, Manhattan and New Jersey. But alsomaintains influence in The Bronx, and Staten Island.[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]• [/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] TheOzone Park Boys — (operates in Queens)[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]• [/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] DeMeoCrew — (operates in Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan)[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]The Lucchese crime family —operates mainly in The Bronx (HQ), Manhattan, Brooklyn, and New Jersey. Butalso maintains influence in Queens.[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]• [/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] CutaiaCrew — (operates in Brooklyn, and Queens)[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]• [/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] TheJersey Crew — (operates all over New Jersey)[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]• [/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] TheTanglewood Boys — (a gang operating Manhattan.)[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]The Bonanno crime family —operates mainly in Brooklyn (HQ), Queens, Staten Island. But also maintainsinfluence in Manhattan, The Bronx and New Jersey.[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]• [/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] TheMotion Lounge crew — (operates in Brooklyn)[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]The Colombo crime family —operates mainly in Brooklyn (HQ), Queens and Long Island. But also maintainsinfluence in Staten Island, Manhattan, The Bronx and New Jersey.[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]• [/font][font=Helvetica][size=2] GarfieldBoys — (operates in the South Brooklyn area)[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]The DeCavalcante crime family —operates mainly in New Jersey (HQ), Manhattan and Brooklyn.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]BEING A GOOD EARNER AND BEING A SMART SPENDER[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2][/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]All the respect, honor and codes of conduct arejust a facade, lets be honest, the whole point of the mafia is to make money,and lots of it. Your aim in the game is the same and there are many variousways in which to make lots of green, some legal but most illegal. Also, thereis plenty to spend your wealth on, from cloths, cars and weapons to businesses,homes and cops.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Some activities are out of bounds for associatesand street guys and are exclusively lucrative rackets for made men. Such aslabor unions, construction rackets, real estate deals and local electionrigging. These are very lucrative moneymakers and are ruthlessly guarded by themen who profit off them. However there are so many ways to make money on yourrise to the top you’ll hardly notice these white-collar money-spinners (untilyou lose one hahaha). As an associate or street guy you can steal andfence (sell) anything from cars, cloths, electricals or cigarettes, all ofwhich are very lucrative trades. You can also rob banks, stores, homes andhijack trucks filled with products. Being outside of the code of conduct heapedon made members, players can also sell a variety of drugs making them a nicepurse along the way (however, drug sales come with elevated risks).[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Within the city, at any given time there arescripted events taking pace that players can utalise to make money. Deliveriesare being made, shops are opened for business, drug and gambling dens are operatingand all of these “businesses” are potential targets for the player to turn aprofit. Some of these scripted event are special scripts or “tip offs” with anice little profit if its pulled off right.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Imagine your friend (in real life) sends you atxt message while your slaving away at work telling you that tonight he will beonline and is looking to get the crew together to hit a freight truck he haslearnt is transporting a large quantity of cigarettes from new jersey toBrooklyn. This could be very good for your character, a potential to not onlyshow you have some talent but also to make some money you can put towards thatnight club you want to open. This information he has been given to your friendvia his Capo who learnt it from the daily tips the server has sent via his NPCassociate (NPC Associates are individuals made men hear from that pass on tips,they can not be members and are totally random scripted events). These tips aregenerated via the games development team and passed onto made men who can thendelegate the job to anyone he sees fit. This may be a solider in his crew orsome wanna be mobster looking for a chance to show his got the right stuff. Thepoint is, these special scripts are only ever passed onto the Capos or mademembers (one of the perks to being a member) and are unknown to associates orstreet guys. This type of script helps push the narrative as well as offerspecial events players can take advantage of outside of the regular scriptedevents.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]But what do you really do with the money besidescars, cloths and homes?[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]How about open a brothel or strip club? Or a baror nightclub? Maybe you’re more a restaurant type? How about a little grocerystore or bakery? Even a mechanics, which can be really beneficial as you canturn it into a chop shop. The point is its really up to you, but the benefit toowning a legitimate business (besides some of them coming with bonuses like themechanics) is that they can help shield your “other activities” while alsomaking you a legitimate stream of cash. Anything that creates you profit isgood, remember every month you have to pay tribute to your boss.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Apart from spending your money on nice fancythings, sometimes its a good idea to have some extra coin saved should you needto grease the wheel a little. You know, help the authorities look the other wayshould you be caught doing something a little less savoury. Cops, judges,lawyers, witnesses and jury members can all be bought off, but its important torealise some of these NPC (non playable characters) require allot of money toturn a blind eye.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]DAILY EVENTS AND TIP OFFS[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2][/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]As touched on above there are daily events takingplace 24/7 through out the city, events players can routinely utalise to makemoney. These events take place mainly on a street level such as businesses anditems players can rob. On higher levels (concerning made members) these dailyevents may include new customers to your loan sharking book, labor disputes,insurance scams, diamond fencing or extortion rackets. However there are alsodaily (not every day but regular) special event that are generated by thedevelopment team and are passed onto made members under the guise of NPCAssociates. These “tip offs” as they are called, are sent via text message to mademember players giving them a heads up on a host of events (if a player dosntwish to supply a mobile phone number these tips can be accessed by the onlinemessage system).[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Example 1:[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]The player may get a text message from StanGrossman, an associate who works for the local NYPD office. He is warning youof an impending warrant to search one of your “legal” businesses for illegalactivity. This tip has effectively given your character a nice heads upallowing you to decide what you wish to do. You could choose to empty thebusiness of contraband, shut up shop or even try to bribe the detectives.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Example 2:[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]The player gets a text message from Lori Chapel,an associate who works for Steinman Jewelry Store. She informs you of a largediamond shipment coming in to the shop at a particular time along with furtherinformation regarding where in the store they will be and the safes code. Achance to make a nice little pay packet just in time for the monthly tribute.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]Example 3:[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]The player gets a text message from Martin Smyth,an associate who works as a clerk at the local FBI offices. He informs you thatone of your guys has been talking to the lead field agent and they are buildinga case against your crew. Wow, what a nice little piece of information. How doyou deal with this?[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]That’s the point, what you do with these tips istotally up to you, but all of these tip offs can change the course of yournarrative for the better of worse.[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]However, some of these tips need to be earnedespecially example 1 and 3. How these are earned will be explained later[/font]

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[font=Helvetica][size=2]COPS, JUDGES & NPC’s[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]The only characters inhabiting the world that arenot controlled by a human sitting at a PC are the cities authorities andcivilians (some of these civilians will be gang members selling drugs and partakingin gangster like activities). Police, FBI, judges, lawyers and civilians areall scripted entities, however all of them are individuals and can beinteracted with.[/font]

[font=Helvetica][size=2]MORE TO COME………[/font][font=Helvetica][size=2][/font]

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