
out with the new in with the newer

Started by July 15, 2011 08:26 AM
13 comments, last by Gaiiden 13 years, 2 months ago
I hate the way is competing with these social sites. First "share", now "like". What next, plus?

I hate the way is competing with these social sites. First "share", now "like". What next, plus?

Gamedev+.... i LIKE that idea... lol

I hate the way is competing with these social sites. First "share", now "like". What next, plus?


But it seems we are increasingly living in a world where everyone is equally right and no one can be told they are wrong for fear of hurting their poor little feelings... and frankly that is BS and it's annoying that it seems GD is going in the same direction.

Already posted a similar comment in the Comments section, but I very much agree with this. This whole conflict free stuff that is being pushed on everybody is just breeding a generation of pussys. I really hate to see what the world is going to be like in 30-40 years with the 'everybody is winner' mentality that is so rampant now.

I was the fat computer nerd in high school and was picked on a lot. One day in my junior year I had enough and broke the nose of the chief bully. My life completely turned around that day. No longer was I the outcast, became friends with lots of the jocks, started working out, and lost a bunch of weight. I've never hit anybody since that day. If I had been coddled like so many young people are today I don't think I would have ever taken a stand and I would be another forever alone computer nerd still watching anime.
Hey everyone, find out more info in this thread over in the Suggestions forum, and leave further feedback there. Thanks!!

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

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