Are you trying to make something like Mount&Blade (using your weapons like in FPS games with a bonus or penalty based on your stats)? In that case, I would think about if it is going to place a strong emphasis on immersion (for example a horror game like Penumbra).
– If it is, first person camera should be the only choice.
– If it is not, the player could have the option choose between the cameras.
If you are going to make the combat turn-based (like in World of Warcraft or KotOR), however, the third person camera should be the only choice
Thankyou for your reply.
The way my combat system will work is as follows:
-Player mouse clicks target
-Damadge is done on that target ( Taking into account the player 'stats' and wepons/buffs ect. )
-Player cannot click again for .75,1.5... seconds dependant on wepon type.
-The player can move around in real time to attempt to avoid attacks (so can enemies).
So, would you suggest just a first person to get the immersion?