
We could live to be a 1000. No really, a scientist said so.

Started by July 05, 2011 10:54 PM
47 comments, last by way2lazy2care 13 years, 1 month ago
Methsulah will return in our lifetime. According to this article, the first person to live to 150 years old has already been born. And the person to live to 1000 year will be born in the next 20 years. As much as I'd like to think that Highlander could come true. I don't know how much bollocks this article really is. Also, if this was true then two things will happen: either the space race goes into OverDrive or some religious nuts kills this guy and anyone associated with him.

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It's a war between scientists with the cure for every ailment, and fat, lazy americans.

In all seriousness, I can definitely see longevity increasing drastically with the new Telomere research going on. Though I don't know what effect that has on muscles like your heart, liver, brain, etc.
Hi uhh, this is a tad off-topic, but the bright red minus one on Church's post looks like it'd be embarrassing so I'll say it; I clicked that because I was mindlessly fidgeting with the mouse and forgot there's no undo on that. The post is actually fine. I up-voted a random other post by Church to even it out. Gonna close the browser now.
Yes. I am the one who will live to be 150. Then, I will be reborn and live to be a 1000. At which point I will be worshiped like a God! Or killed for witch-craft... it's pretty iffy, I could see it going either way.
Well different living things on earth all have different lifespans. I don't know what actually causes aging, but I'm sure people could live a lot longer than we are currently. I mean we develop in another human being out of our own cells (children), so theoretically the human body should be able to produce those new cells for itself and anti-age.

I have the news on in the background and they just said the life expectancy of women is going down.

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Well that's not a surprise. We already have fossils. So now you're saying those fossils will be able to move too? Just great.
I'm that imaginary number in the parabola of life.
We'd all have crappy memory by our 700s. We'd all probably have Vuja De. "I've forgotten this before."
I'm that imaginary number in the parabola of life.
There's a big difference between someone living to 150 and that being a common thing.

Telomerase is cool, but whatever treatment they make from it is not going to be cheap for quite a while. Not to mention that we already aren't set up for people to live as long as they do, let alone twice as long.


Selective Quote

~Too Late - Too Soon~

Better test it on cats first. It would suck to outlive that many pets.
I'd be curious to know the impact this would have on medical expenses. It seems like we could drop them quite a bit with regular maintenance so we minimize emergency care as well as late life care.

If our bodies even gave up at their usual time but maintained a usable state until then, we could increase our productivity tremendously too. Understandably most people wouldn't find working past 65 enticing, but I'd love to be active and contributing to something into my 90s.

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