
Making software open source

Started by June 27, 2011 07:33 PM
-1 comments, last by obhi 13 years, 2 months ago

For quite sometime now I have been working on a cross platform game (currently only rendering + scene management + input ) engine and am considering the idea of making it open source. Currently my project is hosted privately, however, In the near future I would like to make it open source and upload into sourceforge or as such.
I am aware that there is nothing new I would achieve by doing so, but personally I have never worked in any open source project before, nor worked as a team in the area of game development. I have gained quite some experience in graphics and physics (having implented a physics framework before), so am using that skill to make this software.
What I would like to know is given that the engine currently has near to no dependecy (zlib, libjpg, libpng being the only three) and I am the only developer, if I go on and make it open source, how good an idea would that be?
I have not thought out clear about what I am going to do with the engine once done, but right now there are thousands (and thousands) of source files lying around in my computer that I worked out once trying to come up with an engine and as such and never doing anything with them ever (my physics engine for eg, which I plan to integrate into my game engine later, is currently useless). So I am starting to think, may be having a larger set of developers will help me with my cause.

So for the experienced ones, could anyone tell me what general outcome I might expect if I make such a move. Any suggestion would be very helpful.


What if everyone had a restart button behind their head ;P

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