Nowadays however FPSes are all becoming so bland and similar and dumbed down. I've been getting this feeling for a while now with Call of Duty coming out every year and Crysis 2 copying some of its elements. My eyes were really opened to this once I played through Duke Nukem Forever. All of their single player campaigns are becoming extremely bland. Somehow the multiplayer doesn't suffer as much though IMO.
Duke Nukem 3D was great back in the day and had really interesting levels where you explore and find secret areas. Duke Nukem Forever on the other hand is basically a giant on a rails shooter more or less. It got horrible reviews but basically all FPSes are like this nowadays. Call of Duty is like this especially. The Battlefield bad company 2 campaign is more or less like this also. Even games like Doom 3 were heading in this direction although it wasn't as bad.
Another thing people complained about in DNF was the two weapons limit which I think makes a lot of sense and like overall in most games. But in Duke Nukem it didn't seem to work well. The levels end up being packed full of random guns lying on the ground from enemies you kill and you run around picking them up. I find my games suffering from something similar. Gone are the glorious days of running around picking up health packs and ammo boxes. Now you only pick up ammo by running over weapons. The two weapon limit is fairly realistic but maybe it's not right in every game, especially one like Duke Nukem.
Something that made classic shooters great was the nonlinear levels. They seemed so well thought out. There were cleverly hidden items in secret areas. Here's a great joke picture illustrating my point.
My favorite secrets are ones where you can see the item. You want it badly. But you have to find a way to get it. My other favorite secrets are ones that aren't just a random hidden closet. I like secrets that are entire huge areas of the level that you never see normally, but the designers put time and effort into them. Doom's ppisode 1 Knee Deep in the Dead has some of the coolest secrets ever. I sortof feel like Shores of Hell and Inferno are much less inspired levels with very bland secret areas for the most part. In Knee Deep in the Dead however, the secrets are very clever and I feel a sense of wonder when I find them. It's like WHOA there's this crazy hallway here leading to this outdoor area I never even knew I could access.
Basically here are some ideas I think to make the FPSes of today a little less bland.
- Completely nonlinear levels with interesting secrets like in the glory days of Doom, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake, etc... No more of this On a Rails shooter crap...
- Interesting and helpful items that are worth hiding in secret areas. Nowadays it's always only weapons. Regenerating health means no need for health packs. I think bring back health packs. I'd probably do it the way FEAR does it. You can carry health packs and heal yourself if you need to.
- Change the two weapon limit to fit the game better. It had no place in DNF but I think it makes sense in most other games. I like the idea of maybe having extra weapon slots like 3 or 4 rather than only two. Gives you a bit more choice at the expense of being super realistic. Also I think there needs to be a reserved slot for a sidearm at least. I find myself never picking up pistols ever again except for in Halo 1. I like how Gears of War did it. A pistol slot and have different pistol types. That way you always have a pistol to fall back on and are more likely to use it. I even like Counterstrike and other shooters that do this like Battlefield. You have a side arm and a primary weapon. That's all you can hold. I've only seen this done in multiplayer so I don't know how fun it would be in Single Player games.
- Avoid boring fights and make sure they are interesting. Stop trying to focus on super amazing graphics so we can have more characters on screen at once. I happen to like Doom 3 for some reason but it had an awful flaw. This might have been because of tech limitations at the time but you mostly would fight small amounts of enemies at a time. The worst is when enemies teleport in one by one and you kill each in succession. In the original Doom games the levels were alive with monsters everywhere and you often fought hordes at a time. In doom 3 it would become a tedious battle of killing one guy, waiting for the next to teleport in, killing that guy, and so forth... DNF had similar battles. Especially one where you are on a roof and you watch dropships dropping off two enemies at a time. How crazy would that battle have been if all of them were dropped at once. Also Call of Duty has some really frustrating moments that are the complete opposite. I end up fighting like 50 guys at once and I'm getting shot up and taking damage. The worst are the parts that are just hard and I have to keep dying and trying over and over until I finally get past that part for the hundredth time. (Ahem... Modern Warfare Ferris Wheel part, and Modern Warfare 2 parking lot level with lots of running around, and Blackops Viet Nam level where I was supposed to run up to the explosive barrels and hit my use key)