
My reasoning is more than yours

Started by June 23, 2011 12:12 PM
21 comments, last by way2lazy2care 13 years, 2 months ago
Recently I did this short quiz, found in the status update of one of the gamedev society memebers


Please take it in order to fully undrstand the incoming rant.

Question 1.
I admit that one got me. I did not take into consideration how big a refrigerator can get. I'll let that one slide.

Question 2.
Given question one, there are no details as to the size of the refrigerator, thus an elephant and girafee could fit in there. If that does not convince you, read the question once again -- how do you fit an elephant into A refrigerator? The "a" suggests it is a generic, girafee free refrigerator that has no connection to the one from question 2.

Question 3.
This one I got correct. Still, no one claimed that the refrigerator was locked shut. The elephant could freelly move out of it and attempt the conference. There are no technology issues with opening a door by such a large animal.

Quetion 4.
No one mentioned where the meeting would take place. There is a plausibility that it was in the lake or it's vicinity, in which case crossing would be impossible. Also, according to some, humans are in fact animals, so I would not be allowed to cross the river as I would be attending the conference.
Unless that one animal that did not participate in the event was me, waiting by that stupid river.

What is your take on these questions? Care to throw in some more elaborate and/or wacky explanations as to why the test is wrong? :)
Disclaimer: Each my post is intended as an attempt of helping and/or brining some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone, unless stated otherwise

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It's not an actual reasoning test, it's a joke of the:

Questioner: "Obvious question with not enough information so based on standard preconceptions?"
Answerer: "Obvious answer based on standard preconceptions!"
Questioner: "No, you're wrong, because wordplay / silliness / added information!"


At best it provides some coincidental insight into how people grow to have preconceptions about refrigerators.

Also, the elephant is at the conference, since it's being held in the refrigerator.
This made me feel very dark as I immediately jumped to cutting both the giraffe and elephant into pieces before putting them in the fridge. Maybe I just grew up around a lot of hunters so having whole dead animals in the fridge wasn't uncommon? :-/

with that in mind I got question 3 correct as both the giraffe and elephant are dead.
I know it's a joke :) But it's funny (at least for me) to come up with reasonable (yeah right) explanations to unreasonable situations. All hail the Invisible Pink Unicorn!

@way2lazy2care: I too did cut up the girafee. But according to you, since both animals have been cut up, 2 cannot participate instead of one.
Disclaimer: Each my post is intended as an attempt of helping and/or brining some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone, unless stated otherwise

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@way2lazy2care: I too did cut up the girafee. But according to you, since both animals have been cut up, 2 cannot participate instead of one.

My answer was something along the lines of both animals not being there so I guess I would be wrong for that one, but I guess maybe they could have served giraffe for lunch?

[quote name='Zethariel' timestamp='1308834155' post='4826755']
@way2lazy2care: I too did cut up the girafee. But according to you, since both animals have been cut up, 2 cannot participate instead of one.

My answer was something along the lines of both animals not being there so I guess I would be wrong for that one, but I guess maybe they could have served giraffe for lunch?

Depends on what was the conference about. If it was about the recent murder of the giraffe, then indeed only the cut up elephant could not participate.
Disclaimer: Each my post is intended as an attempt of helping and/or brining some meaningfull insight to the topic at hand. Due to my nature, my good intentions will not always be plainly visible. I apologise in advance and assure I mean no harm and do not intend to insult anyone, unless stated otherwise

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Depends on what was the conference about. If it was about the recent murder of the giraffe, then indeed only the cut up elephant could not participate.

The real answer though, is Mufasa. Goodnight sweet prince :(

This made me feel very dark as I immediately jumped to cutting both the giraffe and elephant into pieces before putting them in the fridge. Maybe I just grew up around a lot of hunters so having whole dead animals in the fridge wasn't uncommon? :-/

with that in mind I got question 3 correct as both the giraffe and elephant are dead.

LOL I did the same thing for #1 and #2. The quiz also presupposes that there is only ONE way to do anything. It doesn't say, "provide a very specific way to put a giraffe in a refrigerador", it just says how do YOU do it? Well, if I am going to put a giraffe in a refrigerador, I'm going to hack it to pieces first.

What if the giraffe isn't cooperative with the refrigerador thing? How would you do it then? The quiz doesn't supply for any alternative other than "just put it in the refrigerador." It doesn't mention that you may need a cattle prod or tranquilizer gun or cable and winch.

Here's my quiz: What's in your pocket? (scroll down for answer)

Answer: Air. If you said anything else you're wrong. Even if you don't have pockets.
For Question 1, I thought of cutting a giraffe into pieces at first, but then I realized that the better idea is just to find a large enough refrigerator and put the giraffe in. My answer for question 2 was the same, which I stand is correct, because the question asks "How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?". The assumption that you have to put the elephant in the same refrigerator as the giraffe is just arbitrary and plain wrong! I got question 3 right, I thought this was pretty obvious given the provided answers to the two previous questions... For question 4 though, I have to admit I completely missed the point, but my idea was if there is a bridge, just cross it, and otherwise ask the locals how they do it.

Edit: Yes I do realize the quiz is silly :P

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